Love Is In The Air

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                      They were still watching them hug but it was time to go back to work. "Alright guys, stop hugging and let's get working" James spoke calmly while picking up his guitar. Lars stopped hugging and tried to go back to his drums but Kirk didn't let go of his hand. "Don't worry, we will hug again when we finish okay?" Lars confirmed and they smiled, then Kirk let go of his hand. 

Metallica started playing a song for their album Ride the Lightning. They were very impressed and kept telling Kirk he was just so great at playing guitar. They were halfway through a song and Lars started to look at Kirk and messing up a drum beat. "LARS! YOU RUINED THE DRUM BEAT!" James yelled and Lars freaked out that he threw his drumsticks in the air. Kirk felt bad and he ran to pick up the drumsticks and gave it to Lars. "Here you go Lars-y" Kirk grinned and went back to his position. "Now, let's play the part again and finish it, then we can go to a hotel" James said. Lars finally focused to finish the song and call it a day. 


                  It was 8:30 P.M. and they went to rent a room at a hotel. The hotel didn't cost cheap, so they had to rent one room. There was a queen sized bed in one room and a bunk bed in the second room.  "This is the only cheapest room we can buy, the other rooms literally have like 4 Queen sized beds and 3 bunk beds with 3 bathrooms and it's more expensive then a fucking cabin!" replied James with anger while looking at his wallet and paying to the hotel employee. They went into the elevator and waited. 

Lars started to feel weird like he did something wrong...  'Why would I hug Kirk for such a long time when we literally met. James and Cliff probably thought I was so drunk and that's when they called out Klars ship as a joke... Kirk probably thought I was stupid, but he acted like everything was alright. This probably isn't real love, I think I overreacted and went way too far...?' Lars thought and started to look at Kirk. 'No no, he's just too beautiful. I'm actually gay just for him. How could this happen.. Oh God-' Lars started to have butterflies in his stomach he had to sit down on the elevator floor for a bit. "Lars, you've been acting weird for the whole day, what's wrong?" Cliff was questioning. They all looked at Lars in silence. He didn't say a word and the elevator door finally opened, James and Cliff went out 1st and walked to their room and Lars still couldn't get up, the deep love made him weak.

 "Let me give you a hand Lars" Kirk winked and grinned. Lars blushed even more and grabbed his hand slowly, and got back up though he couldn't let go of his hand. Kirk started blushing a lot as well. They both went to the hotel room while holding each other's hand. When they reached to the door, they let go.  

"So guys, we need to plan who sleeps where. There's a queen bed in that room and a bunkbed in the other" Cliff immediately called out to sleep on the bunk bed. James looked at Kirk and Lars and they were just standing there quietly. "I call out bunk bed as well... If you guys don't feel comfortable sleeping together, we can get a blanket and put it on the floor" said James while they all started unpacking. "It's fine, I can sleep with Lars" Kirk blushed and Lars just stood there in shock. "Hmm okay but one question..." James looked at Lars as well but then looked back at Kirk. "Are you gay?" They all looked at Kirk. "Uh-" He started to change the topic. "Don't we all just want a comfy bed? Who would want to sleep on the floor with just one blanket.. No one! Right?" Kirk stuttered and Lars started blushing and started to unpack more things. They all were silent for some seconds. "Alright. You guys will sleep together. But don't get crazy in the bed, if ya know what I mean" James chuckled and they all started laughing. "Yeah... We won't~" Kirk said it quietly. 

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