The Dream Might Come True

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"Hey Lars, come back here fuck!" Kirk shouted at Lars when he was about to get in to his car. He looked back. "What the fock are you doing here? Get back to the focking studio, I need a FOCKING BREAK!" Lars yelled and kicked the door of his car. Kirk was scared to go up to him. "Chill mate, stop looking like a fuckin' idiot in front of us" He slowly approached to him and touched Lars' shoulder. He looked back with anger in his eyes. "It's okay man, what the hell is wrong? Was it about the dream you said?" Kirk blushed a bit when he thought about Lars' dream. He was out of words, so he just gave a hug. Kirk got confused for a moment, but hugged back. Lars wanted to kiss, but thought it would probably be a bad idea. They went back into the studio.

"Are you fucking chill now?" James sighed. Kirk looked at Lars and it still looked like he was in the bad mood. "Eh, he's fine mate, we can go back to playing" He picked up his guitar again and Lars went to his drum set. They were playing and Lars was finally calm.

Few hours later.

The band was getting sleepy. "I call it a day" Cliff yawned. "Pack up your fucking stuff and let's go home" Lars wanted to go back to his home to his own room, but it would take an hour to drive there back, he was very sleepy, and didn't want to ride for a long time. He thought to rent a room at the closet hotel from the studio. "I'm gonna rent a focking room in some hotel- Anyone wanna come with me?" Lars tried to get Kirk's attention but it was silent. Kirk looked away and blushed. "Uh. I guess you'll be alone Lars" James packed up his guitar and was getting out of the studio. "See you tomorrow fuckers" He left. Lars sighed and checked his bag. Cliff took his bag and left the studio. Kirk and Lars were alone in the studio now.

They didn't look at each other for a moment. Kirk took a deep breath and asked "Can I go live with you in the room?" Lars stopped packing and froze for a second. "Really?" He asked while turning around. Kirk nodded and winked. Lars looked at his bag, grinning and blushing. "Alright, that's great Kirky. I'm glad to have someone in company. Let's fucking go" They picked up their bags and went to the exit. The picture of Kirk in Lars' bag was tipping a bit out of the pocket, but then he slightly pushed it back inside.

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