It Isn't Over... Thankfully.

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       Lars screamed and cried. He opened his eyes with fear, looking around with confusion. He saw his drum set, a tennis racket hanging on the wall. It was his own room. 

"How did I get back here? Where's Kirky, my love? Is he actually dead?" Lars thought. But then he knew... 

It was all of a dream.

"KIRKY IS ALIVE!" Lars prayed quick and thanked God this wasn't real. But... "Ah fock... The sex wasn't real" He laid back and covered himself with his blanket with disappointment. "I had so much fun with him..." Suddenly, he realized something. "Fuck, I have to go to the studio right now!" He threw his blanket and quickly went to change into his clothes. "Oh my God... I hope Kirk will be there" Lars thought while brushing his teeth very quick. Again, he remembered he got a paper from Metallica with a Kirk picture. He spit the toothpaste from his mouth and quickly ran to his desk and searched for the paper. He got the scissors out from the cup and started trimming a square around picture. He blushed and looked at him when cutting. He got the picture out and placed it in the pocket of his bag. Grabbed his special drumsticks and ran out of the door and got straight into his car, without eating breakfast. He only cared about Kirk at that moment.  

Before turning the engines on, he took the picture out and placed it in a square hole by the gear lever. Looked at him for a moment and sighed. "I hope he's really alright..." Lars turned on the engine and drove to the studio. 

Dream [Klars] ❤Where stories live. Discover now