The Spies, James and Cliff

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          Lars and Kirk were holding hands once again while going to the elevator. James and Cliff hid behind a bush decoration and peeked. "Oh my God~ They are actually holding hands..." James whispered and almost wanted to vomit. Lars clicked a button and the elevator doors were closing. "Bet they are kissing in there right now" Cliff was annoyed. "Let's go use the stairs instead" James suggested and they ran upstairs. They got upstairs and saw the door close at their room. Cliff slowly walked to the door and peeked through the little hole at the door knob, but couldn't see very well. James walked slowly to him and asked quietly what was going on. "Hmm. It seems they are eating something right now, I can't determine what it is" Cliff whispered. 

They were sitting on the counter talking about life. "Haha, oh boy I can't wait to marry you" Kirk laughed and laid on Lars' shoulder eating his chips. Lars blushed so much and didn't want to eat his chips anymore. He got off the counter top and grabbed Kirk's hand and went into the room. 

"Frick, they went into the room, what should we do?" Cliff stopped peeking. "Hmm... Wait, you know that there's like this 'gay' club in this hotel" James said. "A gay club? Where?" Cliff was confused. "I checked the map of the hotel by the office and it said there's one downstairs by the entrance... How bout' we try to give this little map I got here" James passed the map to Cliff. "Then they will check it out. For sure they will fall in for the club. Then if they would actually go there, we can stalk more easily, though we can't let them catch us" James explained the plan and Cliff was scared, but agreed to do it. They took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

"Oh shoot, someone is knocking on the door, it's probably James and Cliff" Kirk was reading a book, throwing it on the floor and going to the door. "Who is it?" He was making sure. "It's me and Cliff, no need to worry" Kirk took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. "Hey guys~" James looked around quick. "Where's Lars? Is he on the bed... dreaming about you and drooling" He laughed. Kirk was getting mad. "Dude just shut up, we don't love each-h-h other~" He felt bad for saying that, but had to pretend. "He's in the bathroom right now changing" James smirked and knew he was lying but still acted like he doesn't know anything about. "Anyways, here's the hotel map". Cliff passed it to Kirk and slowly took it away from him. "You can uh, see what they got more here". "Ah cool, thanks" He threw the map on the bed in their room. "Are you guys hungry? Here's some chips" Kirk looked through his bag and passed the 1st one to James and the 2nd one to Cliff. "Ooo~ Thank you very much" James said while opening the bag and grabbing a chip. "Hey ba-" Lars got out of the room and realized James and Cliff were here. "-James and Cliff! I'm glad you guys came back!" Lars laughed awkwardly. "Uh, I'm going to play my guitar for an hour. If I miss a day, then that would be... bad" Kirk picked up the guitar from the corner of the dining room. "Go change into your outfit, your shorts are still wet and the water is dripping on the floor" He went to his room and slightly pushed Lars away. "Uh, I'm gonna go play with my drumsticks-" Lars responded with stress.

They went into their room and closed the door. "I really hope they will check out the map at that time" James whispered. "They will, don't worry. Do you want to go on a walk so we can kind of chill and leave them alone for a bit, but we need to change 1st obviously. We don't wanna look like gay dudes with only shorts on" Cliff suggested and laughed. "Good idea, I'm going to go change 1st though!" James ran straight to the bathroom laughing and Cliff tried to beat him. He slammed the door. "Aha! Let's go fuckers" James started to change quick and still laughing. "Haha, dang it" Cliff waited. 

"Ooo, what is this thing on the bed Kirk?" Lars questioned when grabbing the map. "A map of the hotel, sweet. I'm going to see what is here". Kirk was laying on the bed playing guitar very slowly and then sat by Lars. They scanned the map quick. "Yo, I see a gay club here-". Kirk blushed. Lars looked closely and was shocked. "We should go there tonight-" Lars excitedly suggested. Kirk grinned. "We will baby". They kissed again.       

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