It's Happening...

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               James and Cliff went to the kitchen to eat some instant noodle soup and then Kirk and Lars joined in. Lars was eating and slurping the noodles very quickly to joke around and Kirk chuckled. "Haha, chill dude, no one is steal your soup. Take your time" James laughed. Cliff made a little laugh no one would hear. "Yo, do they even have alcohol here?" Kirk asked. James got out of the chair and checked the fridge. "Hmm, they don't have the drinks in the fridge. I think it has to be ordered..?" Cliff immediately got out of the chair and called the hotel service to ask if they have alcohol. The answer was Yes! They all cheered "Woooo lets go baby" Lars raised his arms up with excitement and put his hand on Kirk's shoulder. They waited for the employees to deliver some alcohol drinks.

They finished eating their soup and hear a knock on their door. Cliff ran to the door with excitement and it was here. "Oh boy this is going to be great!" Kirk shrieked and leaned on Lars' shoulder. They both blushed. Cliff thanked the service and had the drinks in a bag. "Here's a drink for you guys, time to get drunk!" Cliff smirked and gave the drinks to Lars and Kirk, then he gave the drink to James.

 They kept drinking and drinking and made a lot of dirty jokes. "Yo- wHaT iF yOu gUyS wOuLd gEt mArRiEd? ThAt wOuLd bE sO bEaUtIfUl! Cliff laughed at Kirk and Lars, then he fell off the chair and passed out. "YeAh! wE WiLl bE tHe bEsT cOuPlE!" Kirk singed and leaned on Lars' shoulder "Aw bAbE, I loVe yOuUUU!" Lars was dizzy and started rubbing Kirk's hair. James was very drunk as well he fainted and started sleeping on the floor.

It was 1:00 A.M. and they were very tired. James woke up with confusion but acted serious "Ight guys, let's clean up this m-mess.. Damn, Cliff is sleeping! Welp you guys go clean while I take him to the r-r-room, goodnight g-guys" He started to drag Cliff to the room and slammed the door. "Man, I feel so better after drinking~" Lars chuckled and looked at Kirk. He was taking the bottles from the table and putted them in the trash can, but then something happened unexpectedly...

Kirk pushed Lars to the wall and he rise in shock.. Slowly he put his hands around his waist. "Damn, you are very sexy Larsy" Kirk grinned and looked straight at his eyes. "Aw Kirky... you are more sex-xier-" Lars moaned and fainted. "Lars? Are you good...?" No response. "I guess I'll take you to bed- sigh" Kirk picked him up and Lars started to snuggle in Kirk's arms. 

When he put him on the bed, he went to the bathroom to take a bath. Lars was on the bed looking dead until a couple seconds later, he opened his eyes, but very slowly. He heard the water run from the bathroom and steam was coming out from the holes of the door. Lars was very horny he planned to open the bathroom door and try to see Kirk naked. He slowly approached to the bathroom and started to take his shirt off. Finally, he opened the door. Kirk is in the bubble bath daydreaming. "Hey-" Lars whispered and freaked Kirk out but then he grinned. "I'm glad you woke up, come sit with me, the bathtub is big enough for us, and very hot" Kirk winked. Lars immediately took off all of his clothes, and covered his private, and approaching to the bathtub slowly. He finally sat down and blushed. They looked at each other for a moment "It seems you aren't even drunk" Lars was confused. "Oh, well I don't know-" Kirk laughed. 

They started to get closer until they finally felt their skin touching each other. They were flushed. "Let's don't tell anyone about our secret relationship" Kirk giggled softly, putting his hand on Lars' leg, close to his private. Lars started moaning, he was just so glad he met Kirk that he finally convinced the truth to him...

"Kirk, I love you more then anything"  Lars went on the top of Kirk "Please be mine and never leave me. I need you in my life...-forever..." They looked at each other in silence for some seconds and tears started to form in Lars' eyes. Kirk smiled and slowly pulled Lars to his chest and rubbed his back gently. "Oh Larsy, I love you so much too..." He gently lay his head on Lars' hair. "Of course I won't leave you, if I did, I would probably kill myself" Lars couldn't handle it  anymore. He put his hands on Kirk's shoulders and gave him a kiss.. Kirk was frozen. Lars stopped and went back a little. Kirk couldn't believe what happened, but pulled him again and started to bite Lars' lips after that. Lars had his eyes wide opened in shock, then closed his eyes gently, Kirk's lips were so smooth and pure it felt like Heaven.

 It was the best moment of their life. 

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