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They got out of the studio and went to the parking lot. "Kirk, I'll leave my car here, I'm really focking tired, can we use yours?" Lars yawned and started closing his eyes. "Of course" They walked to Kirk's car. Lars placed his bag under his legs by the passenger seat. Kirk went into the drivers seat and threw his bag in the back. "So... It will take 5 minutes to get to the location, no worries" Kirk smiled and turned on the radio and there was silence. Lars started to think about his dream again and was flushed. At some point he moaned gently. "Uh- Are you good Lars?" Kirk made a left turn. Lars didn't knew how to react "Sorry, I just have problems with my focking throat and got to make these sounds to... make it feel better" It was awkward for some seconds. "Ah, okay then- Oh look, we are here" Kirk pointed. He parked the car and they chilled for a moment. It was quiet but Lars spoke then "Uh, yea. Are you okay Kirk? Did anyone hurt you these days?" Kirk looked at him. God damn he was too hot. "I'm fine. Oh, no one did" "That's good Kirky~" There was more silence. 

No one spoke, not a single word.

Kirk's POV: "He actually has a crush on me- I think. His dream really sounded like he loves me so much, but dreams can be accidents sometimes so he probably doesn't love me. But... He shared the story of the nightmare to me, I don't know man, but I love him as well, I can feel my feelings that I got for him. He's really sexy, he can have a weird personality but I love it. He's just special for me. Like- When is the right time to convince that I love him more then anything, how will he react?"

Lars' POV: "Fock, I think it was a bad idea to tell about the dream, what have I done? He probably thinks I'm so weird as fock man. Though it seemed he enjoyed listening to my dream, I think~. I just want to kiss him and say I love him. I can do anything for him to accept me. I swear to God. Man now I feel focking pregnant after thinking so much about Kirk"

After their thoughts, they got out of the car and rented a room. 

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