Way Better Then The Dream🔞

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         It was 12 AM, dark and very quiet in the room. The only light there was the moonlight reflecting between the blinds through the window. Kirk and Lars were on the bed cuddling under the blanket. A little make out they had a couple minutes ago felt like heaven. They just wanted more of each other. A lot more...

 Kirk bopped Lars' cute nose and they giggled. "I really love you so much, more then anything in this world" Lars grinned. Kirk smiled and bopped his nose again. "Me too, I love you infinite-" He went on the top and pressed his lips onto Lars', moaning as Kirk slowly slipped his tongue into his mouth. Lars slightly pushed him back. 


"Kirk~" Lars looked down under Kirk's waist. He knew what he wanted. 

Kirk took his underwear off to show his cock. 

Lars flushed red so hard. He thought "Dang, its more longer then what it was in the dream" 

"You like what you see?" Kirk smirked. 

"Yes yes, I... I want it.. so bad " Lars moaned his words.

It was the time.

Lars pushed Kirk back up again for some space, flipped over and got to the position. 

Kirk kneeled down. Lars moaned so loud, he couldn't wait for the action. "Kirk- Do it!-"

Kirk moaned, his cock got harder and moved himself forward, holding Lars' waist and leaning a bit. 

Lars started getting tears in his eyes when he felt Kirk's cock in his ass. "I'm... ready..." Lars struggled to speak, his drool already made the pillow so wet.

Kirk closed his eyes and fucked in and out hard in Lars' ass, moving within' the flow perfectly.

"Moree~" Lars moaned so loud like a girl, and hoping no one outside of the room heard it.

Kirk fucked Lars for straight 20 minutes, and soon they got so tired. Kirk got his cock out and fell on Lars back and grunted.

"Oh Kirk it felt so good~ Thank you for making my dream come true..." He flipped over and made Kirk rest on his chest. "I love you so much Kirkie" Lars smiled and twirled Kirk's hair around. "Love you so much too Larsie"
They kissed for the last time before sleep. Lars turned over, Kirk wraps his hands around Lars' waist and stuck his cock in his ass again and made a gentle moan for the last time.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams Lars"
"Thanks, you too Kirk"

My Lord I- Sorry that I couldn't update this earlier, and sorry if you don't like smut lmfao. I suck at writing- But Klars is life and real, best couple in the world *le cri* I'm struggling in school and I do other things like playing guitar, drums, drawing, sports, etc. I don't really have the time to go on Wattpad and write something, but it doesn't mean this story is finished, I will still come back and write more.👀 

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