Silent Message

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*Chapter 1*

-12 Years Old-

"Group 4: Sasori, Akito, Yuki."

Our homeroom teacher was assigning us to our groups for the rest of the school term and the sound of Sasori's name caught my attention. He was a very quiet boy with bright red hair and lonely brown eyes. I glanced at him as his new team mates hesitantly gathered around him and remembered what my mom had told me.

"He lost his parents since young. Don't hang out with him, Kivi. He's a bad influence for you."

I'd heard the same thing from my friends' parents as well but I can never understand an adult's mindset. Sasori lost his parents, shouldn't people sympathized for him? Somehow, the longer I looked at Sasori, the more absorbed I am in him. I want to get to know him ever since the first day of school. 

Just then, Sasori turned his head slightly and made eye contact with me. He looked at me for a while and my whole body stilled. Was I staring too long?

He lifted his hand and pointed for me to look to the front and I did, only to find Mr Haruki glaring at me. "Group 6: Aki, Takahara, KIVI!" Mr Haruki raised his voice at my name and I realised he had been calling me for a while now. I quickly stood up, face as red as tomato. "Yes sir!" I hid my face with my bangs and went straight to my team mates - Takahara and Aki.

"Kivi! I'm so happy that we're in the same team!" Aki, my best friend, grabbed onto my hands as she squealed. I smiled at her before turning to Takahara, whom everyone called the clown of our class. "I'll be in your care too, Takahara." I grinned. He broke into his infamous wide smile, "Me too! Having two girls in my group is every man's dream." Takahara laughed as Aki scolded him for being a pervert. I smiled at them before turning my head to Sasori's table again, looking at him through my lashes. 

Somehow, he sensed my stare again and turned his head to me as his team mates introduced each other, completely ignoring him. I felt my body stiffened again but I can't help but looked at him as he looked at me with those lonely brown eyes. 

Puppet Strings// Naruto Shippuden Sasori Fanfiction (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now