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*Chapter 13*

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I waved at Aki and Takahara after our mission report and split ways. Looking at them walking together, arguing then laughing, makes me wonder that I have nothing to worry about. I mentally shrugged to myself and jogged home. I want to see Sasori as fast as I can and tell him everything that happened today. I wonder if he's home already.

"I'm home!" I greeted as I opened the door. No answer but I expected that for Chiyo baa-sama's side but I guess it's the same for Sasori. He would normally be in his work room and won't bother greeting. "Sasori? Are you home?" I walked along the hallway, calling for him. I reached his work room, "Sasori?" I pushed the door opened, only to see it empty. I went to his bedroom next, "Sasori?" I whispered. His door was slightly closed and I gently pushed it open. 

My eyes landed on the boy I had a crush on since the beginning of school. His back was facing me and his red hair was in a mess as he laid down on his bed. "Sasori?" I whispered as I let myself in. I walked to his bed side and smiled. His hair cups his face and his sleeping expression is so adorable I can hardly stand it but then again, he looks so at peace when he sleeps; it's like all that loneliness and hard expressions had been washed away. I placed my hands together and closed my eyes, "Dear God, please don't let Sasori face anymore hardships." I whispered. 

When I opened my eyes again, I see Sasori lying on his back and his eyes squinting as he looked at me. His hand went to his hair to push his red locks away from his eyes. I felt my heart skipped a beat as blood rushed up to my cheeks. "Hn...Kivi. What are you doing?" He murmured, sounding half asleep. 

I absent mindedly covered my mouth in awe. This side of Sasori is my first time seeing it. "I-I wasn't doing anything. Did I wake you up?" I asked. Sasori groaned as he stirred in his bed, using his arm to cover his eyes. He lifted up his arm a little and saw that I was still standing there, gazing at him. He covered his eyes again and sighed before using his free hand and pulled me into his bed with him. 

"Kya!" I let out a squeak, totally surprise. Before I can escape, Sasori brought his other arm and wrapped it around me. "Sa-Sa-Sasori?!" I exclaimed, blushing mode on high. "Be quiet! You're being so noisy." He groaned. I did as he said but I can't stop squirming. Sasori's chest is so near my face that I can feel his heart beating and his steady breathing at my hair. "I want to rest up abit. Today's mission was ridiculous. What's with those team mates of mine...Always holding me back..." Sasori complained as he slowly went back to sleep. 

I listened to his soft snoozing, letting him sleep. I wrapped my free arm around him as I secretly closed the distance between us. I pressed my cheek against his warm body and listened to his heart beat. I felt so at peace, I never thought I would be able to hug Sasori like that ever since I tugged on his sleeve and invited him to grab a drink with me 6 months ago. Just thinking about it makes me feel so embarrassed that I buried my face deeper into Sasori's chest. I could almost smell his earthy scent lingering on his body. 

When I realized what I was doing, I mentally slapped myself and blushed. I'm not a pervert! I shouldn't sniffed him like that! Kivi, what are you doing? "Hmmm~you're a closet pervert huh?" I gasped as I looked up to see Sasori smirking slightly at me. I shook my head vigorously, too embarrassed to speak. Sasori turned me around till I'm lying on my back and he placed himself firmly on top of me. 

"Hey, Kivi. I had a bad day today. Make me feel better." Sasori said, nonchalantly but his eyes looked disturbed. It's the first time I saw him looked so disturbed, it made so curious to know what happened to him. I gently brought my hand up and patted his head, letting my fingers play with his soft hair before bringing my hand to his cheek. My eyes never leaving his.

"Sasori, what happened?" My curiosity slipped. He didn't say anything but his eyes reacted as if he was in pain. "Forget I even asked." Sasori brought his head down till his forehead is on mine and he closed his eyes. Even though we're in this position, I'm supposed to feel embarrassed but seeing Sasori in so much pain hurts my heart so much. I don't know what his team mates did to him but I definitely don't like the way they are treating him. 

I cupped his cheeks and gently brought his face down to mine till our lips touched each other. His lips felt so soft, it almost feels like it's melting with mine. This is the second time I'm kissing Sasori. I blushed at that thought. Sasori broke the kiss as he pressed his face closer to my hand. "Kivi," He said as he looked at me with intense eyes. "I'm hungry."

I giggled, "I'll go cook something for you."

He shook his head, "On second thought, don't go."

He sighed and got up but still locking me in place with his legs. He covered his mouth as his face got pinkish red. "You must think I'm childish." He looked at me again, "I never expected to feel this way about anyone." Even though he said the words very softly, I could hear it clearly. My face started growing hot but I smiled shyly at Sasori. "Same here." 

He pinned me down again, "You're my girlfriend, right?" I blushed even more at his directness. I nodded, not looking at him. "So Kivi, can I?" I nodded without thinking of what his words meant.

Sasori smiled at me and it's the first time I've seen him smiled like that, like he was relief. He gave me a soft kiss before moving down. I shivered as I felt his breath against my neck. Sasori trailed kisses all over my neck and collarbone. I tried not to squirm from and quickly covered my mouth. "Don't cover your mouth. I want to hear your voice, Kivi." Hearing that, I wrapped my arms around Sasori, his ear near my mouth and I let him hear my reaction to his warm actions. I shutted my eyes tight, releasing Sasori as I felt his hands lingering around my body. 

I felt Sasori's hands trailed up to remove my headband that was covering with my right eye. "Sasori!" I exclaimed, covering my eye. Sasori, now sat upright, his eyes peering at me as if studying me. "Hmm?" I looked away from him, half embarrassed by his piercing gaze and half embarrassed by my eye. "I don't feel comfortable showing my eye until I find a way to recover my sight." Sasori gently removed my hand, "I don't mind." He kissed my forehead before we shared a smile. He gave me a gentler kiss before we took comfort in each other's embrace.

*Sasori's POV*

I brought the blanket up to Kivi's body before sitting at the ledge of my bed. A smile lingered at my lips and it's been awhile since I've smiled. The feeling felt so foreign. Then, something brown peeking out of Kivi's shorts pocket caught my eye. I bend down and picked it up to find a broken piece of wood. I flipped it around and saw my initial on it - The Red Scorpion. 

I'm not sure where Kivi found it but seeing from the burnt marks, she probably went back to her home. I let out an annoyed tsk as I grabbed the wood tighter. How long am I going to take till I found the culprit? I'm not going to stand here and laze around.

I turned to look at Kivi who is sleeping soundly on my bed. I stroked her hair before leaving a kiss on her forehead. I've lost my parents but I won't let anything happened to Kivi, I finally feel human again because of her. "I'll find that brat for sure." I whispered before putting on my clothes and leave for my work room. 

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