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*Chapter 12*

I quickly made my way to today's meeting spot, jumping from building to building which I never got to do when I was in the Kagura Clan. Part of me never felt so free yet the other part of me felt like I should maintain the Kagura behavior. 

Seeing Aki and Takahara standing outside of the Kazekage headquarters, I landed in front of them. "Aki. Takahara. Sorry I'm late." Both of them turned around and Aki, like a mother, started nagging at me. "Kivi! You're late! You are hardly la-" She paused when she scanned me up and down, taking in my new look. "Kivi? What happened to you?" I opened my mouth to explain but she interrupted me. "Wait! I know what happen! Is it true? Your father, Sasori, and...and your eye?" She lowered her voice as she stared intently at my covered right eye, partly looking worried. 

"What happened to your hair?" Takahara joined her as they both stared at me. I put my hand up in defense and laughed it off, shakily. "It's true. But don't worry, I'm staying in Sasori's place now. Chiyo baa-sama and Sasori have been very kind to me." I smiled, blushing a little as I remembered Sasori's kiss. Though Aki and Takahara weren't impressed. "Wait! You're living in Sasori's place? But Kivi, he is not good for you!" Takahara nagged. "If you don't have a place to stay, you can always stay at my place, Kivi. I don't get why you have to get yourself involve with Sasori." He pouted. Is he jealous?

I knew this would happen but I don't really want us to fight about Sasori. As stubborn as I can be, I refuse to understand their misunderstandings of Sasori. Just in time, Tanaka-sensei flew in. He, too, took an eyeful at me and nodded, as if confirming something. "Come on, the Kazekage is waiting for you three." 

The four of us walked into the Kazekage's office together and my eyes landed on a sickly familiar white hair man. "Father!" I gasped. He looked at me and even though he knew who I was, he disregard my presence and ignored me. Father turned to look at the Kazekage, "I'll be making my leave now. I ensure you that the Kagura Clan is now stable without any hindrance, our service to you will always be efficient." My heart ached from that statement and I lowered my head as Father left the room. I was a hindrance to Father after all.

"Alright, this is your first mission so I would not give you three anything difficult." The Kazekage said as soon as Father left. He looked through all the mission lists, "How about a D-rank to start of. You will help rebuild the Kagura's house. Report back when you all are done! That's all." He announced. 

As soon as we left the office, Takahara complained. "Isn't it better if we take up better mission?" He turned to look at me. "Afterall, I don't think Kivi wants to go back to that place." Aki, always on cue, scolded Takahara. "Baka, since when are you so considerate? Kivi is strong enough to handle it, right Kivi?" I nodded. Takahara gave me his signature grin, "If you ever want to leave the place, I'll cover for you." Tanaka-sensei, without hesitant, smack Takahara's head, "Alright! Stop flirting and let's get this over and done with!" 

The mission wasn't that hard at all but stepping into the house that you used to come back to is difficult to handle. Father was at the main door, glaring at us like we were ants though he did greet Tanaka-sensei with respect before leaving. "Kagura-sama has instructed you three to follow instructions from Chikage, the person that is rebuilding the house." Tanaka-sensei said. "What are you going to do, Tanaka-sensei?" I asked.

"Kivi?" My caretaker jogged towards me. "It is you!" She hugged me. "What happen to your hair?" I smiled at her, "It's nice to see you too and I just retouch my look." She smiled gently at me, "It's very nice, dear." Dear? She never call me that before. She turned around and looked at Tanaka-sensei. "It's very nice to see you, Tanaka-kun." My caretaker blushed as Tanaka-sensei smiled at her before leaving us while they started chatting. 

"Wow~Tanaka-sensei smiled! Is she your caretaker, Kivi?" Aki asked and I nodded, still staring at them. I had an uneasy feeling that my caretaker-I mean, ex-caretaker was trying to be friendly with me because Tanaka-sensei was there. I sighed and shook of the feeling away. It doesn't matter anymore. I turned to Aki and Takahara, "Sorry, guys. Can you spare me a few minutes? I need to talk to my Father." I placed the Kitsune mask that I'd tied on my waist to my face, removing my headband from my right eye. Takahara seemed to saw a peek of it and let out a huge reaction.

"K-Kivi, you're really...blind?" I removed my mask again as I smiled at him. "Yeah. Don't worry, I'm fine! I can still see things properly." Aki, standing behind Takahara, had a satisfied grin on her face and it wasn't a good satisfaction kind of smile. It was like she was proud of something. I closed my eyes for a second before opening them, only to see Aki's face remaining neutral again. Was I seeing things? Takahara stood closer to me. "Ta-Takahara?" I stuttered, a little surprised by his closeness and unfamiliar actions. He cupped my cheek and brushed his thumb across my right eye like what Sasori had done before. The image of Sasori's face in my head made me swept Takahara's hand away as gently as I can without hurting his feelings. "I'm sorry, Takahara. I got to go see my Father." I murmured and turned around to look for my Father's room. 

As I searched for Father's room, I can't shake the uneasy feelings away. Aki's scary smile when she saw my right eye then Takahara's possessive actions. I even caught Aki frowning at what Takahara did and any girl could tell that she was jealous. I need to let Takahara know about Aki's feelings soon but for now, I need to look for Father.

Father and Mother's room has been moved a little bit further in the east wing and his voice coming from the inside only made me confirmed that they are inside. "Teppei." It's Mother's voice. I stood very still as I listened to their conversation. Father groaned in reply as Mother continue to speak. "I'm pregnant." My eyes widened but I remained still.

Father laughed heartily and it was the first time I have ever heard him laugh. "That's good news, Shizuka! He will be a fine son and heir for the Kagura Clan." 

"But Teppei, what if the baby is a girl?" 

Father remained silent and chills ran down my spine, reminding me that Father always does that before he started shouting. "What do you mean?" Father forced the words out through his teeth. "If it's not a boy, I want the baby aborted! You will not make another mistake and give birth to a failure!" He shouted. 

"Having a baby is a two person commitment, how is this my fault?! And Kivi is not a failure! She is a proud daughter of mine and you just banish her like that!" Hearing that, I gulped my tears down and covered my mouth from making any noise.

"Silence!" Father boomed. "That baby will be a boy and that's final!" Father suddenly slide the door open with so much force and I stood there, stunned. He looked surprise before glaring down at me. "What are you doing here?" He growled. Words got stuck in my throat from seeing my Father, I glanced behind Father to see my Mother looking at me, surprised. "I said, what are you doing here?!" Father boomed and I jumped a little. "F-Father." I stuttered as I gathered my courage. You can do it, Kivi.

"Father, I just want to make myself clear. I may be a failure in your eyes, I may not be the most filial daughter that you want me to be and I may a hindrance to you and the Kagura Clan but I am not going to make the same mistakes as you, Father. I will make sure that I will be the complete opposite of what you are and make my mark in this world."

"What are you saying, you unappreciative little brat?!" Father growled. Mother ran towards me, "Please, Kivi. Stop saying anything more."

I ignored the both of them. "So for me to do that, I will dismiss myself from being a Kagura." I took off my mask and placed it at my Father's feet. "I will leave now." I made my leave before my Father could say anything else.

Right now, my heart is in a mess and I could not wait to get home and back into Sasori's arms. 

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