In My Reach

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*Chapter 6*

After that day, my father and mother pulled me out of school and I never got to see Aki, Takahara and Sasori again. I was punished heavily for my actions and trained to death.

Everyday, I thought of everyone who was in school, studying, eating lunch, taking mock exams then complained about it together. I'll never get to do that anymore. I'll probably never see Sasori again.

How have you been, Sasori?

*A few months later*

My caretaker got me dressed for school today but only to take the Genin test. I looked at the fox mask that I'm suppose to wear to school. Normally people from the Anbu wore this but this mask was different, it's the Kagura Clan's mask. With this, I had to vow to know my place as the upcoming heir of the clan and watched my actions. 

But for the first time in forever, my heart did a little dance. I wondered how everyone has been. I wondered how Sasori has been. 

My caretaker dropped me off at school as I stepped into the halls of the school again. It feels nolstagic that I feel like running to class, smile at everyone and talk to Aki and Takahara but I knew better not to do that. 

I walked silently to class as everyone stared at me, whispering to one another. 

"Look! It's Kivi."

"I heard she was expelled from school."

"What is with the mask that she is wearing?"

"I heard that she was into Sasori."

Hearing Sasori's name, I stopped walking, making everyone stopped their harsh whispering. If they are talking about him, that means he is still here. I grinned behind my mask and continued to walk to class. 

I stood in front of the door, controlling my breathing before sliding the door open, revealing more curious stares. I scanned the classroom and there he was, Sasori was sitting by the window as he looked at me. 

"Kivi?" I turned to find Aki and Takahara walking towards me. Aki's short hair had grew longer and Takahara grew a little bit taller too.

"Aki. Takahara. How are you?" I greeted them, carefully watching my tone like how I've been warned to.

Aki caught me by surprise by hugging me. "I've missed you so much, Kivi! I'm so sorry for what happened 6 months ago. I should have been there for you!" I patted her back as I hugged her. "It's okay. It's already long over." We stood there just hugging each other for awhile before letting go.

"It's nice to see you again, Kivi. Cool mask." Takahara smiled at me, guilt filled his eyes. "It's nice to see you too, Takahara." I looked around the classroom and turned a little slower at Sasori as he continued to look at me. "Everything still looks the same. How's everyone?" 

"Same." Takahara and Aki said in unison. I lowered my head, I guess Sasori was still being talked bad about. 

The classroom door opened and Mr Haruki walked in. "Good morning, class. I see Kivi has also arrived." I nodded. "Today will be the day where you guys will be Genins if you pass the test and I know all of you will. The Kazekage is here to judge your performance as well so please, do your very best." Mr Haruki announced before sending us off to an empty classroom where we will all wait for our turn. 

It's a good thing that I'm wearing my mask as I kept shooting glances at Sasori. I caught him looking at me occasionally with his beautiful brown eyes. Sasori has grew a bit taller too and somehow, more colder than he usually is. My heart kept telling me to talk to him but my mind knew better as I touched my mask, I made a vow and the punishment I'd went through was too terrifying to convey into words.

"Sasori!" The teacher announced and I jumped a little at his name. Sasori got up and passed by me swiftly, dropping a piece of paper on my lap before going into the room. As soon as the door shutted, I cautiously opened the note.

Meet me later at the rooftop.

My heart skipped a beat as I read those words twice. Thrice. Tenth times. I brought the note to my heart and smiled behind my mask as I held my tears.

"Kivi!" I was called in and I bowed to the Kazekage and the teachers.

Don't fail me again! My father's words rang inside my head as I clenched my fists underneath my sleeves.

"Kivi, please remove your mask. It's disrespectful to have your face covered in front of the Kazekage." Mr Haruki said. The Kazekage waved it off, "It's okay. I got a special request from the Head of the Kagura Clan to let Kivi keep her mask. Kivi, you may begin."

I bowed again. "Crystal technique: Mirror Clone."

The test went well and I managed to make an impact on the Kazekage using my Bloodline Limit techniques just as Father asked me to. However, my heart was still beating rapidly. Not because that I've finally became a Genin but I'm going to meet Sasori after this. I clutched onto my headband and made my way up to the rooftop as fast I could. 

I stood in front of the door, hesitant. Whatever I do, after I opened this door, I need to watched my actions. I held onto the knob and opened the door. 

"Kivi." That voice that I longed to hear was filling my ears like a beautiful melody. Under the warm sun of the Sand Village stood the most beautiful boy that I have fallen in love with since the first time I'd met him. 

Watching my movements and actions, I walked casually towards Sasori. "Sasori." My voice cracked a little. I felt tears at the brim of eyes again. "It's been awhile, Kivi." I nodded. 

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Sasori asked. "I made a vow to watch my action." I said, though my mind kept screaming his name. Sasori touched the mask gently, "Such a shame. I wanted to see your face again." He cocked his head to the side, looking completely adorable. 

I mentally shook my head before gaining back my composure. "How are you, Sasori?" He shrugged, "It's the same as always but there's nothing much to talk about me." He walked towards the edge of the roof and held on the the metal bar. "What about you? Did anything happened to you?" He asked. I nodded then shook my head. I don't him to worry about me. 

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing happened." I murmured, remembering the punishment.

Sasori stood there, looking at me. His face grew a little bit irritated. "You know, it's not fun now that you're like that because of a vow." 

"A Kagura Vow is final." I said, silently. 

"I'm leaving." Sasori said as he walked towards me. My heart was in my mouth as I choked on tears. I felt Sasori brushed pass me and I clenched my fists under my sleeves. "Don't go." I wishpered but Sasori's footsteps kept walking away from me. I touched the mask. Because of this, it's because of this. 

With a silent apology to my father and mother, I ripped the mask off my face and ran towards Sasori. "Sasori!" I cried as my fingers touched the familiar clothing texture. "Please don't go!" I grabbed onto his sleeve. Tears flooded my eyes and I could no longer control myself. 

Sasori turned and lifted my head up by placing a finger under my chin. "You finally took that annoying thing off, you stupid brat." He smiled at me and I smiled through my tears. Sasori, I've missed you.

 I felt my sadness and burden swept away like the ocean. Sasori took my mask and placed it back on my face. "Kivi, I'll vow to you this. If you agree to it then we can forever be together." 

I looked at him. "What is it?" I asked, eagerly. 

Sasori smiled slightly, "Be one of my puppet." 


Apparently, I'm not going to end their childhood so soon :/ maybe in the next chapter. Let me know what you guys think so far ^^

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