Results Pt. 3

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Tanaka-sensei and his shadow clones kept coming towards me, some even made their way towards Aki and Takahara. I commanded my dragon to block them and with a few swipes of it's tail, it sent Takana-sensei's clones flying before they vanished.

"Takahara! Hurry up!" I demanded. I'm running low on Chakra from the summoning and Tanaka-sensei don't even seemed tired. 

"Kivi!" I turned around from the sound of Takahara's panic voice. A clone of Tanaka-sensei stood before them. He broke the crystal dome with two kicks and held a kunai in front of them. My body reacted before I could even blink. I jumped off my dragon and ran towards Aki and Takahara. "Don't!" I shouted. 

I shut my eyes behind my mask and the only thing I could hear was the sound of a can toppling over, following by Tanaka-sensei's clones disappearing and Aki and Takahara's panting. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tanaka-sensei's kunai just a few inches away from my throat and realized Takahara kicked the can in the nick of time.

The real Tanaka-sensei walked towards us and gave his clone a pat on the shoulder before the clone disappear. "I'm impressed. A ninja must never think twice about sacrificing oneself for his friends." Tanaka-sensei looked at me before looking at Takahara. "A ninja must also be quick to think and react to save his friend's life."

Tanaka-sensei looked at Aki, who was still panting. "Aki, you need to keep training if you want to keep up." Aki hid her eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry." She muttered.

Tanaka-sensei took in a deep breath before exhaling and smiled. "Well, you guys pass!" He announced. "That's all for today! Go home and rest up!" Then, he disappeared.

Everything was too sudden. Tanaka-sensei's changed of mood and sudden disappearance left us blinking at thin air. "I'm sorry, you two." Aki muttered. "I wasn't strong enough." Takahara patted her back while Aki covered her eyes as she cried. It wasn't her fault, Tanaka-sensei was just too strong. Throughout the entire test, all he did was basic genjutsu, taijutsu and ninjutsu while I had to resort to use my Dragon Summoning. How strong can Tanaka-sensei get?

The three of us decided to split ways as we made our way home. Takahara followed Aki home while I walked home alone. Aki was always arguing with Takahara but now, I got a feeling that they're really becoming the couple I thought they would be 6 months ago. Just thinking about it, made me giggled. I removed my mask and squinted my eyes at the blaring sunlight. "I wonder if Sasori and I could be like that too." I whispered to myself before making my way home.

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