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*Chapter 7*

*Kivi's POV*

"W-what?" I stammered, looking at Sasori with disbelief. Sasori turned his back on me, "We'll always be together, going on missions and you won't have to worry about your family burdens anymore."

I stood there, silent. My mind went blank for looking at the right things to say. Does this means...I don't even know what this means! Do I have to...die? "Saso-" Sasori smiled as he turned slightly to face me.

"Kidding." He smiled slightly. "Breath, Kivi."

I realized that I'd been holding my breath and started breathing again. "Sasori, that's not funny!" 

He continued smiling as he walked towards me and patted my head. Sasori has never done this to me before.  I lifted my head to look at him and he pushed my head gently back down. "Don't look at me yet."

My heart skipped a beat. "Why?" Sasori continued to force my head down. "Just don't." He sighed, "Not being able to see you for so long makes me have unwanted feelings. How troublesome." Hearing that, my feelings got me desperate again. With a swift movement, I moved Sasori's hand away from my head and hugged him, not leaving an inch of space between us. "What's wrong with having those feelings when my feelings for you are already eating me up? I've missed you, Sasori."

I felt Sasori's stiffed body soften and brought his arms around me. I felt blood rushing up my face till it's making me dizzy but then again, I'm glad I'm wearing my mask to hide my embarrassment. Sasori leaned his head against mine, "You're warm as always, Kivi." I buried my face into Sasori's chest, "You are warm too, Sasori."

We stayed like that for awhile, enjoying each other's warmth before I pulled us apart. "I need to go. My caretaker is probably looking for me." Sasori did not say anything for awhile before sighing. He abruptly pulled my arm to him and kissed my head. "I've always wanted to do that. We won't be able to see each other much since we're both Genins now but that won't stop you for looking for me, right?" 

I felt the warmness lingered on my head and blushed heavily underneath my mask. "You're not being fair, Sasori and of course I won't stop looking for you. Even if you ran away from the sand village, I will come looking for you." Sasori laughed lightly, "I have such a scary stalker." He patted my head once more, "You better go now." 

I turned to go but Sasori called me again. "I vowed that we'll always be together." He said, embarrassed by his own words. I smiled with content behind my mask and nodded. I love you.

As expected, my caretaker was waiting for me anxiously and quickly attended to me as soon as she saw me walking towards her. "Kivi ojou-sama, where have you been?" She demanded. I remembered the kiss that Sasori gave me and shook my head. "Nothing. Let's go home." I'm really glad that I have the mask for such situations.

*Sasori's POV* 

I watched Kivi and her caretaker leave. 

Not long after Kivi left school 6 months ago, I learned that she was from the Kagura Clan and there were rumours before about Kivi possessing the Bloodline Limit. Hearing that, I felt even more curious about her. I wanted to know if the rumours were true and if they were, she would be a beautiful collection to my puppets.

I had never tried turning a human body into a puppet before and it won't be so easy. I need to find a chance to experiment so for now, I don't need Kivi. I need someone weak before I find an opportunity to get Kivi's body. I'll be able to sustain her beauty and mostly, her techniques. Judging from her reaction earlier when I told her to be one of my puppets, I guess I have no choice but to take her by force.

I need to be patient. But then again, the thought of killing her left an uneasiness in my chest. I guess some things I had told her are true.

I sighed. Having feelings are a burden.

As I made my way home, Tomoe saw me and ran towards me. "Sasori!" He waved but I continued walking. "Oi! Sasori! Don't ignore me." Tomoe followed closely behind me. "I heard you passed the Genin test. So did I." I stopped walking and Tomoe stopped as well. I turned to look at him and his head band shone brightly on his forehead. "Ah. Mh! Okay. Congratulations." Before continuing to walk. 

"Oi! Show me yours. C'mon." Tomoe kept tagging behind me and being as loud as always. He is the son of my parent's friends so we basically grew up together. After my parents died, he became louder and more nosy than before. "Oiii~Sa.So.ri!" Tomoe whined and I gave up. He reminds me of one of my classmates, Takahara. Loud and annoying. 

I took out my headband from my pocket and showed him. "We're finally Genins! We can go on actual missions and earn money." I put my headband back into my pocket and continued walking. 

"Hey, Sasori. When are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Tomoe asked with laugh. I halted and turned sharply. "What did you say?" I glared at him. Tomoe quickly brought his hands up in front of him in defense. "Well, I saw her with you a few times and everyone in school said that she is into you. I thought you two are together." Tomoe quickly explained himself. I'm surprised. Tomoe might be a loud clown but he was very good at getting information. I guess that was why Chiyo baa-sama was using him to get information about me and my whereabouts.

"She's not my girlfriend. I don't need one." Hearing that, Tomoe dropped his sheepish smile. "Even if you said that, I can tell that she is growing on you. Even now, you're being protective of her. If you don't do anything, someone from your class is going to get her first. Or so I've heard." 

"Hmph!" I smiled. "It does't matter." Tomoe finally stop following me as I head straight home to work on my next puppet. What he said does not bother me. After all, I know Kivi won't leave me. A smile lingered on my lips. Even if you ran away from the sand village, I will come looking for you. Remembering Kivi's words. "That's what she said, after all." I told myself.

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