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*Chapter 9*

"I'm home." I announced and my caretaker attended to me. "How is your day, Kivi Ojou-sama?" She asked. I nodded and told her what happened today. She listened attentively to every word and smiled at my achievement. "Tanaka is a really great ninja." She murmured. I turned to her, "Do you know him?" My caretaker giggled, "It's a long time ago but he is quite popular so everyone knows him." She bowed before leaving me in my room. Hmmm~ I smiled at her excuse.

I gathered my toiletries and and made my way to the bathroom, partly thinking about Sasori. I wonder if everything went well with his team? I stripped myself off my clothes and got into the hot bath that my caretaker prepared. Letting the hot water soaked my skin, I sighed with bliss. Subconsciously, I brought my hand up and wave it around, tiny little crystals flew around my hand before dropping into the hot water. I brought my head down where the crystals dropped and let the hot water soaked my face. I shut my eyes and remembered how this 'power' of mine has brought me so much fear.

Ever since I was young, my father kept me in the house to keep me out from public sight, even the people of our Clan. He knew I possessed the Bloodline Limit since birth and thought that I was a jinx to the Kagura clan. My caretaker told me that my father tried to kill me when I was only a few months old before he tried turning me into Kagura clan's key weapon.

When I entered the academy, people knew about my 'power' but because of the strong influence of the Kagura clan, everyone treated me like a princess. Even though I knew everyone's behavior was fake, it was my haven from being at home. The training my father gave me was not suited for any human and I knew that I wasn't human in his eyes.

At first, I got sick and tired from everyone's fake attitude to a point, I started doing things to expose my classmates' true feelings towards me. In the end, the results caused me to be mentally damaged till I met Aki. Her straightforwardness and positive attitude caused me to find myself a new friend. She became my permanent safe haven. Sasori flashed into my mind and I brought my face up from the water and smiled.

Funny, how Sasori has now become my safe haven.

Clunk! I stood up abruptly from the bath and shot a crystal kunai at the ceiling. Whoever it is, dodged it and hid deeper into the ceiling. "Kivi Ojou-sama?! Are you okay?" My caretaker asked, worried. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry." Through the paper panel doors, I saw my caretaker hesitantly nodded. "I'll be right here, just in case."

I made a few hand signs and whispered, "Crystal Technique: Mirror Clone." I told my clone to stay here and take a bath while I checked the ceiling, she gave me an 'okay' sign before going into the bath. I grabbed my clothes and put them on.

My kunai had caused the ceiling panel to shift a little and I find my support before making my way up. I grabbed the edge of it and hauled up my weight. My eyes met a wooden puppet who eerily stared back at me. Sasori? Then, the mouth of the puppet open with explosive tags in it. I gasped and let go of the edge but it was too late. White light blinded my eyes and the loud explosion left my ears ringing.

Everything was happening in slow motion before my eyes as blood blinded my vision. My Caretaker shakily came running towards me. Father and Mother came too. They were all shouting my name and calling to get help. My mind was flooded with thoughts of Sasori and his possible betrayal. It couldn't be...not Sasori...

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up, forcing my eyes open. Why is it always so bright in the Sand Village? What is that annoying sound? Where am I?

I heard arguments, they sounded muffled but anyone can tell that the argument was very heated. It sounded like Father, he kept shouting about death penalty and punishment. My eyes lit up instantly, my body suddenly came to life as I lifted myself up from the bed. Is he talking about me? Am I going to get punish again?

"I want that Sasori boy DEAD!" Father's voice sent shockwaves through my head and I clutched my head with my hand. I slowly remembered what happened to me - Bathroom, ceiling, wooden puppet, explosion. Tears flowed down from my eyes before my mind could even react. I shook my head at the possibilities that Sasori might try to kill me but then again, that doesn't make sense.

"It wasn't Sasori who did, Kagura Teppei." It's a voice of an elderly lady.

"Then explain the wooden puppet! Only you and the boy knows the art of puppetry!" My father's voice boomed loudly, any idiot can tell that he is really mad.

"The art of puppetry has been taught to some people of the sand village. It could not just be me or Sasori. Some of your people has also mastered puppetry so you cannot assume that we did it!" The elderly lady said firmly.

"My people will never betray me and hurt my daughter! They know the price that they will have to pay and I want the boy here before I find him myself!" My father roared.

I can hear the nurses and some people trying to calm them down. I pulled all the cables that were attached to me and clumsily got out of bed. I must tell father that it wasn't Sasori. Sasori wouldn't hurt me. Would he?

As I walked past a mirror, my reflection caught my attention. I turned and a gasp escaped my mouth. I looked perfectly fine except for a bandage around my head and across my right eye. Slowly, with shaking fingers, I removed the bandage and my guess was right. I collapsed on the floor, hands over my mouth as I stared at my right eye. My pupil and iris has became pure white and I could no longer see with it. Tears kept flowing down my cheeks and my voice choked from shock.

"It wasn't me, Kivi." I turned around sharply and saw the last person I wanted to see - Sasori. I did not realized that he was there but I pushed that aside and got up before charging towards him. Sasori caught me in his arms but I kept struggling and pounded on his chest with my fists. The tears won't stop, just like how my confusion won't stop.

I grew tired from everything and just stood there, letting Sasori embraced me. "It wasn't me." He muttered. I didn't say anything. "The puppet is mine but someone stole it from me." He let me go and looked at my right eye. I snapped out of it and grew self-conscious as I turned my head away from him. "Don't look at me." I muttered.

The room door opened abruptly and my Father together with an elderly lady came into the room. Sasori and I broke away from each other as my Father glared at Sasori. The elderly lady looked worried and panicky at the same time. "Chiyo baa-sama, I did not do it. My puppet was stolen from me." Sasori got in front of me and tried explaining himself.

Father made a few hand signs so quickly, you could tell my Father was going all out to kill Sasori. "Lightening Hydra!" I quickly made a few signs, "Crystal Technique: Crystal Hydra!" I copied Father's attack but he was too strong. His lightening destroyed my Hydra into crystal dust and shock waves hit my body, the sound of lightening covered up my screams.

"Kivi! What are y-" I clumsily pushed myself up from the floor as Sasori came to my side to help me. I thought I saw his eyes shining with amusement before they went back to the same old sad looking eyes. I dismissed it and looked at my father with whatever strength I had left. "Please, Father. Sasori didn't do it. I know he didn't."

"Why are you protecting that boy?!" Father demanded firmly.

"Because he didn't do it!" I countered.

"Kivi! Enough of-"

"Stop it! Didn't it occur to you that you're causing your own clan to rebel against you, Father! They know what I am and killing me might be the first thing on their checklist! Father, are you not aware?!"

This was the first time I had ever talked to my Father like that and Father was speechless. He and I know that some people from our clan did not acknowledge me as the heir and they had been rebelling against my Father ever since. Father got rid of them but that only made people who are connected to them question Father's rightful place as their leader.

I was told to kept quiet of the situation as Father does not want others to think how weak the Kagura clan is but I'd spilled it for the sake of Sasori. Also, for my freedom of speech. Father glared at me and muttered, disappointment can be heard in every words he said. "I should have kill you when your mother gave birth to you. From now on, you're not my daughter. My clan is more important than a failure like you." That was enough to break what's left of my spirit and I turned my head to rest on Sasori's shoulder as my Father and Mother left.

I bit my lower lip. I felt like I am about to lose it but my haven was here. I held onto Sasori as Chiyo baa-sama helped me up and carried me back to their home.

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