I'm Sorry Pt. 2

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I turned to look at her with disbelief as she admired the shop, like she built it with her own sweat and tears. "What are you saying, Aki?"

"You still don't get it, do you, Kivi?" She smirked, one hand resting on her waist. "I despise you so, so much."

Hearing that, something inside of me snapped. "I...I don't understand." 

Aki laughed at my confused expression, "Of course you don't get it, stupid. You're not the one who's parents got killed by someone's clan, you're not the one who lived in an illusion all the time, you're not the one who woke up one day and realized that half of your life was a lie and you're not the one who has been rejected by the only reason to continue living!" Aki shouted as her face twisted with anger at every accusations she spat.

I grew speechless as I tried to absorb everything she just said to me. I tried to put two and two together but whatever she said just doesn't make any sense. "I don't understand, Aki. Your parents are alive! I know because I saw them before! My clan did not kill your parents!"

"Of course, you'll say that, Kivi. That is because they're dead a long time ago! The parents of mine that you see now are all illusions! They are all my genjutsu!" Aki shouted but this time, her pain is more prominent than her hate.

"Your parents killed them because of a small disagreement and your parents put me in a genjutsu to make me think that my parents are still alive! Do you know what I've been through?" Aki cried. "I was only three years old!"

Aki didn't stop there, spilling all the truth before my eyes. "When I snapped out of it, I was afraid that your father will come after me after I broke myself free from his genjutsu, so I put myself back into that fake life that they have set up for me." I brought my hands up to my head, not believing what I just heard. I know that my Father would do anything to prevent anyone from disobeying him but why would Mother and Father do that?

I looked at Aki through my clouded eyes, "Aki, I'm so sorry. I don't understand why did they do that to you." I walked towards her slowly and wrapped my arms around her. I can't believe what she has gone through but I want my best friend back. "But I'm not like my parents. I'm different, Aki. You're my best friend and I would do anything to protect you." 

I felt Aki's shoulders stopped shaking so I slowly pulled myself away but I was a fool to think that Aki would forgive me so easily. 

Shaking from the growing pain, I looked down at the scorching hot pain forming at my abdomen before staring at Aki who held a now, blooded kunai in her hand. Her face wore the scariest smile. "I thought about it, Kivi. When we were in the same class, I knew that that was my chance to get close to you before ripping the Kagura Clan apart by killing you!"

Snap. My mentally snapped again.

My knees gave way and I collapsed to the ground, pressing hard on my wound. I stared blankly at the ground as I felt Aki walked towards me. Then, it hit me. "So, the puppet...this shop...You set it up to kill me." It wasn't a question because I already knew the answer. Then, a photo of Sasori and I when we first talked was thrown in front of me. I looked up at Aki, "You took the picture?"

Aki just smirked at me. "It's my stepping stone. I just thought that showing people a picture of you two together was the best start to take my revenge and tear you apart. Thank you for giving me that opportunity, Kivi."

I stared at the picture again. Snap.

Aki kneel down next to me and took the picture. "It's called killing two birds with one stone, Kivi. Sasori was the perfect bait." Aki stood up and her voice turned dead cold. "But, he caused you to cut ties with the Kagura clan."

She threw the picture to the ground in front of me again then threw a kunai at Sasori's face. I flinched. "He is dumb enough to get his puppet stolen so easily. Stupid brat."


"Aki, you still have Takahara." I silently muttered, holding onto hope that Aki would returned to normal but I was wrong again.

Aki turned sharply and glared at me with so much hatred. "Takahara?!" Aki grabbed my hair and tugged it hard, causing me to yelp in pain. "He cheated on me! He is a liar! When you were expelled from school, we started going out till you came back. It's all because of you!" She screamed.

The shop shook and wavered with Aki's hate and I realized that I'm in Aki's genjutsu.

Aki let go of my hair. "Guess what, Kivi." I looked at her, still begging for my Aki back. "This place that I made especially for you shall be your funeral."


Are you going to get yourself killed just like that, Kivi? A voice echoed in my head. She's such a childish fool to throw all the blame at you when it's not your fault at all. Takahara doesn't like her because you're so much better, she's jealous of you. She made Sasori bait, are you going to let that go? 

I stood up, clumsily, letting the voice in my head eat me. Not knowing again, my crystals took form on it's own around me and healed the wound where Aki stabbed me. Through my unsteady vision, Aki's face was masked by fear. She quickly made a few hand signs and a good number of shurikens flew towards me. My crystals covered my arm like an armor and I swung my crystallized hand, swiping all the shurikens away.

But with Aki's speciality with genjutsu, a few faux shurikens flew through my hand. Aki made more hand signs and the shurikens became real but my crystals were faster; blocking the shurikens from striking at my face. My lifeless body walked towards her and avoided all of her attacks and illusions before pinning her down onto the floor. 

Aki struggled and cried for help before laughing. "Just kidding." A scroll fell out from her sleeve and a Chinese symbol for 'Scorpion' revealed itself on the scroll. Aki made a few hand signs and I jumped back away from her, getting ready for her next attack. 

As the smoke slowly cleared, my conscious slowly crawled back to reality. Aki hid behind her new weapon as chakra strings connected it with her fingers. "Sasori?" My lips quivered at the sight of the puppet version of Sasori.

For some reasons, I started to break down and cry. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I groaned and screamed as a wave of memories flashed through my mind. All the pain, the worries and all the love that he had given me. I want to see Sasori again, I don't want us to break up just like that. I want Sasori to be with me.

Aki laughed at my pathetic state, "Looks like Sasori has already broke you for me." She swiftly moved her fingers and the Puppet Sasori flew towards me. I just blankly stared at it as two katanas appeared at each of his hands. "DIE, KIVI!"

I'm sorry, Sasori.


Another Cliffhanger!!! XD

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