I'm Sorry Pt. 3

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OMG~ This might be it, guys! Or whoever (Heck, I don't think anyone would even read such a boring story XD) reads my story, this might be the last part to my story but there would be a sequel. Pinky Promise....Maybe there would be one more chapter before the sequel XD

A lot of things went through my mind as I await my fate. My parents, Tanaka-sensei, my caretaker, Chikage, Chiyo baa-sama, Takahara, Aki and Sasori. I was trained to death to protect this people but right now, I can't even get through to my best friend how much she means to me.

I stared blankly at the puppet version of Sasori charging towards me and saw an illusion of the real Sasori. Subconsciously, my hand reached out to him. Sasori, help me.

Suddenly, my whole body was pulled backwards, hard. As if trying to wake me up from some thing. Sure enough, the shop vanished like it was never there in the first place and I opened my eyes to see the puppet version of Sasori in front of me, not moving. I realized that we were on a cliff, tall rocky walls all around us.

"Kivi! Wake up!"

I turned around and saw Sasori behind me, his arms extended with his chakra strings attached to me. He looked like he just ran a marathon, his clothes stuck to his body from his sweat and his breathing unstable. "Sasori?" I stared at him, disbelieving and confused of what just happened.

I turned my attention back to Aki who looked like she could kill anyone. Her face was twisted with rage and irritation as she glared at Sasori. "YOU! What are you doing here?" Aki shouted at him.

"Hn, You don't have the right to ask me that question. What the hell do you think you're doing to Kivi?" Sasori ignored her question as he shot Aki an expression that was as cold as death.

Aki laughed. "What does it looks like to you, stupid?" Aki brought her puppet Sasori back to her side. "I'm going to kill her in the most romantic way possible!"Aki took her stance, preparing to launch at us with another attack. "By killing her in the hands of her sweet, sweet boyfriend."

I looked at my best friend, hurt and despair written all over my face. She's not your best friend anymore. The little voice in my head told me, sounding somewhat grim. What's worst, I can't help but agree with it.

"Kivi, are you okay?" Sasori walked towards me and placed an arm around my waist. I was surprised by his action, it was like our argument didn't even happened. "I'm fine." I whispered, avoiding his eyes. I felt his eyes studying me before kissing my forehead, "That's good."

I blushed and closed my eyes in bliss. Even after his lips left my forehead, I could still feel the warmth lingering there. Aki, obviously, wasn't pleased with us ignoring her. "Just go to Hell!" She screamed and brought her puppet Sasori flying towards us.

Sasori and I jumped out of the way in opposite directions. Sasori glared at Aki, "Since you're using a puppet, I assumed that you stole my puppet."

Aki smirked with her head held high, "That's right. I used it to assassinate Kivi. I used it to cause the explosion. I used it to blind her right eye!"

"Hn, my puppets are not your mere play toy." Sasori growled. One thing I know about Sasori is that he doesn't like people touching his puppets and I can tell that he is seriously pissed.

I looked at the both of them. Aki... I never knew she was a puppet user, she is always seen using genjutsu. I never knew she was would do such things but then again, I guess I never knew a lot of things about Aki. That's because she was never your friend.

I hid my eyes behind my bangs and silently agreed with the voice inside my head. My crystals came to life on its own as the thoughts of her betrayal shrouded my mind. "Aki," I raised my voice enough for all of us to hear. "I'm not sorry for what my parents did to you anymore."

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