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*Chapter 14*

The glaring sunlight of the Sand Village irritates my closed eyes, making me groaned as I propped myself up. I felt a fabric slide down my body and realized that I am still in Sasori's room. Flashes of Sasori's soft red hair, lips and sweet whispers came into my mind like a tsunami. It feels like steam would come out of my already red face. "I love you."  Sasori's words from last night echoed in my head. This is bad, I think I would die loving Sasori. Speaking of Sasori, where is he?

I got out of bed, touching the sheets of his bed; suddenly remembering what Sasori said about his team mates last night. I bit my lower lip as I got dressed. I wish they could just back off! "Will you help me?" My crystals took form and shone brightly under the glaring sunlight. "I guess that's a yes." I smiled. 

Chiyo baa-sama and I had breakfast together as usual and I told her everything that happened yesterday, excluding the part where Sasori and I are involved of course! You can't just spill something so private to his grandmother, right? Right! "I'm happy that you and your Father had come to an understanding but is it really wise to break ties with your Clan?" Chiyo baa-sama asked as she drank the Kagura tea I made for her. "You're still a Kagura, Kivi." 

I returned to my seat, looking at my food as if they had just become the most interesting thing in the world. "I'm not running away, Chiyo baa-sama. I just think this is the only way for me to be a more responsible person. Though, I admit that I felt lost. I don't really know what to do from now on but as long long as I'm able to be by Sasori's side." I lowered my head and whispered the last line. Chiyo baa-sama nodded, "I won't lectured you if you think that's the right thing to do. I'm sure you'll become a great ninja, Kivi." Hearing that, I felt like I'd betrayed myself in trying to keep my composure. How long have I been waiting for someone to say that to me?

I heard Sasori working behind his work door so I didn't bother to disturb him. He really don't like to be disturbed. "I love you, Sasori." I whispered as I leaned my forehead against his door. I have one thing to do before I meet up with Aki and Takahara for today's training.

My crystals helped me tracked down Sasori's team mates - Akito and Yuki. Finally, I found them together at the Dango store, chatting and laughing. Looking at them laughing together made me clenched my fists as my anger start to boil. How could they laugh so happily when they are hurting Sasori so much? 

"Akito? Yuki?" I said as I tried to keep my cool. Both of them turned to look at me, a little surprised that someone they don't know know their names. "You are?" Yuki, a dark hair girl with dark eyes, asked. During our ninja academy times, she's a very enthusiastic girl that likes to stand out. "I guess I looked a little different with this look." I said, "But I think you remember the only girl with such power." I held out one hand and my crystals float in circles on top of it. 

"Kagura Kivi?" Akito gasped. I put my hand down, "Yes and I want to talk to the two of you about something." Akito and Yuki took a step back, suddenly cautious. "What is it, Kagura?" Yuki asked. "If this is about Sasori, you had it all wrong."

"Oh? So you know I'm here about Sasori." I'm trying so hard not to lose my composure. 

"Look, Kagura. About yesterday, Sasori fell into the trap on his own. We didn't mean to do anything to him."

"Yeah~ He fell into the trap himself."

I clenched my fists even tighter, not knowing that my crystals are taking form on their own again. "Is that what happened yesterday? You made a trap for Sasori to fall into?" I growled through my teeth. 

Both of them looked stunned before Yuki lost her composure first. Yuki laughed hysterically, "Sasori is just asking for it! He should have known what's coming to him! I don't get why Sasori is in our team anyway? He'll only pull us down!" 

Akito tugged on her wrist, "Stop it! You're making it worst." He pointed to my advancing crystals with his chin. Seeing that, Yuki backed down as fear was written all over her face. "So this is how Kagura settle matters, huh? Using their almighty power to deal with other people." Yuki muttered and I snapped. 

My crystals charged at Yuki at high speed. My mind completely clouded with anger. Get her! Get her! Get her!

"Kivi!" I snapped out of it and saw Tanaka-sensei in front of Akito and Yuki, holding his kunai out as he blocked my crystals. "Kivi!" I turned to see Takahara and Aki jogging towards me, worried written all over their faces. 

"Kivi, back down now!" Tanaka-sensei commanded.

"But Tanaka-sensei, they hurt Sa-" 

"You said you don't want to be like your Father! What are you doing now?" 

I gasped and came back to reality. I silently commanded my crystals to withdraw as I hung my head. "I'm sorry." I murmured. Takahara and Aki came to my side as Tanaka-sensei let out a sigh. "Aki, Takahara. Take her to our usual meeting area. I'll join you all shortly." He said before turning to Akito and Yuki, both of them not looking guilty at all. I bit my lip as Aki held my hand, pulling me away from the scene. 

None of us said anything as we waited for Tanaka-sensei. "I'm sorry, Aki, Takahara. I'm just so frustrated right now." I fist my eyes as tears threatened their way out. Aki patted my back, "It's okay. We know that you're angry because of what they did to Sasori. We were just a little bit shock that you could do all those things without hand signs."

Takahara agreed with Aki and nodded, "It's almost as your crystals are alive." 

"Yeah." I muttered under my breath. I guess they are.

"Your emotions just got to you that leads to your crystals' actions." Tanaka-sensei, as usual, flew in from nowhere and landed in front of us. "I've took care of the two and reported to Kenshi, their in-charge." I nodded as I got up from the ground. "I'm really sorry, Tanaka-sensei." I bowed deeply and I felt his heavy hand pat my head. "It's fine. A team should work together, not sabotage each other for their own purposes. I can understand why you're angry."

I lifted up my head, seeing Tanaka-sensei in a new light. "But that doesn't means that I'm letting you off the hook." He concluded and I sighed. Thought so. "As punishment, you will have to put in all your efforts in all your missions and training." 


"Aki and Takahara too!" 

"That goes without saying!" Takahara grinned widely and Aki nodded in agreement. 

"Alright then! Let's begin our training today!"

After what happened today, Sasori didn't say a word when I got home and I know that he knew what I did to his team mates. His silence made me worried and I just wished he would say something! Even is he wants to raise his voice at me, I wouldn't mind but he is just lying in bed as he hugged me close to his chest. 



"What are you thinking?" 

Sasori began stroking my hair, "Thinking how I should examine your body today." A blush immediately creep up my cheeks and Sasori chuckled softly. "Just kidding. I'm just thinking how you went so far for me today." 

"You heard?" I pushed myself up and looked at him. He crossed his arms behind his head, "Yeah. Kenshi-sensei had a fit." He turned to look at me, seeing that I'm still worried for him, he patted my head. "Don't worry. I'm not mad at you." Hearing that, I rest my head on his chest; listening to his steady heartbeat.

"Kivi, I have a mission tomorrow. After that, let's go out somewhere." Sasori said and I pushed myself up again. "A date?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear. Sasori smiled his tiny smile and nodded. "Yeah~You're my girlfriend, after all." 

I slide back down to his arms. I can never get use to that line. "Kivi," Sasori spoke again. "Come here." 

"Heh!" I was taken aback, the good way. Sasori immediately brought his gloved hand to my cheek. "Sasori, you pervert." I just can't help but smile.


Okay~ Guilty for the late upload but then again, who's even reading my lame story. Hahas!! Had a major author's block in this part and I seriously don't know what to type so I let my fingers do the work and let them type whatever they want. Also, I don't want to make it too Elsa-ish and let me know what date Sasori and Kivi should have ^^ 


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