Chapter Forty Two

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I decided to head over to Miyagi-Do today. It had been a while since I trained with everyone since the fight and the whole issue with Kreese. I wanted to see the progress that everyone was making.

When I reached the dojo, I was greeted by Sam.

"Hey!" Sam said as she engulfed me in a hug. "I didn't know you were coming today"

"I felt bad I haven't come in a while"

"We're glad to have you with the group again. Come on" she said as she lead me towards the backyard.

I found a spot next to Demitri and we began our warmup.


When we finished warming up, we moved onto our next exercise. We all stood in a circle while Demitri stood in the middle. We would each attack him and he had to defend himself. He had improved majorly from the first time that he did this exercise.

When everyone else failed to pin him down, I made the next move.

I'll admit, he was good, but not good enough. I was able to pin him down with ease.

"Damn it" he sighed.

I helped him up and patted him on the back. He always seemed to be hesitant when it came to fighting me. At times I think it was because I reminded him of Hawk.

"You're doing great" I added.

"Good, again" Sam instructed. "Cobra Kai's never stop training. We have to be ready to fight"

We rolled our eyes and positioned ourselves to fight again.

Before one of us could strike each other, we were interrupted by Sams mom and Anthony.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mrs. LaRusso asked.

"Uh- would you believe study group?" Demitri said.

"Go home. All of you. Now"

We all sighed and began to walk away. I hid behind the side of the house to hear the rest of their conversation. Not to spy or anything. I just wanted to hear how Sam was going to handle this situation and if I should help if she fails to find the right words.

"So what part of "no more karate" do you not understand?"

"Seems pretty straightforward" Anthony added.

"The part where you and dad think you get to decide that for me"

"They do pay the bills, as long as you live under their room"

God I wanted to slap him.

"What about school? Principal Lopez called me. You think you can just ignore their rules too?"

"What, the soccer game? That was nothing"

"It's not nothing, Sam. You could've gotten suspended again"

"Thought you were smarter than that. Very disappointed in you"

"Go wait in the car, Anthony!"

He did as she said and now it was just Sam and her mom.

"Look,Sam, I don't know what's going on with you-"

"No, you don't. And if you really think that karate is the problem, then you have not been paying attention." Sam said as she walked away. I quickly caught up to her.


Sam and I spent the rest of the day together to get her mind off of what happened with her mom. When it started to get late, she drove me home.

Mercy In My Heart // Hawk x OC x MiguelWhere stories live. Discover now