Chapter 17 - Fair

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"Good morning." Tim said groggily as he walked out to the balcony where Carter was sitting, watching the ocean.

"Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhead!" Carter laughed as she fixed his hair.

"Hopefully we get an uneventful day and it will actually feel like we are on our honeymoon." Tim smiled as he kissed the top of her head.

"I agree." Carter stood up, "What are we doing today, hubby?" A smirk crept across her face as she walks to the railing. Tim walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

"Whatever you want to do, my love."

"Can we go snorkeling?!" Carter's eyes became huge.

"If that's what you want to do, then yes." Tim laughed as he walked back inside.


"Play it cool." Tony whispered to Ziva as they rounded the corner to the crime scene.

"You are the one that is freaking out, Tony. I am cool as a carrot." Ziva smiled.


"What? No, I don't want a cucumber..." Ziva looked at him confused.

"No. The saying is cool as a cucumber." Tony laughed as Gibbs walked up behind them.

"Ready to get to work?" Gibbs asked, scaring them.

"Shit! Boss, you scared the hell out of me!" Tony said, turning around.

"So what is it that the McGee's can't tell me?" Gibbs asked sternly. Tony and Ziva, worried, looked at each other and then back at Gibbs.

"Uhh... Well..." Tony said, reaching his hand behind his neck.

"Out with it, DiNozzo!" Gibbs demanded.

"Gibbs. Tony and I want to be together. We know about your rule and that is why we have held off for so long. But we can not take it anymore. We can not hide our feelings for one more day... I know you are probably upset, and rightfully so. If you want to fire one of us, fire me. If that is what it takes for me to be with Tony then that is what I will do." Ziva said. Tony looked at her, with sadness in his eyes.

"Ziva, you can't let him fire you. Fire me instead, Gibbs." Tony said.

"Shut up. Both of you." Gibbs said, as he smacked them both on the back of the head.

"Wha... What?"

"You think I didn't know that the two of you have had these little 'crushes' on each other? Please. I have eyes... As for actually doing something about it, I can't really tell you no now that Carter and Tim are married. That wouldn't be fair. But I will tell you the same thing I told them, the minute that this disrupts your work, it's over. Got it?"

"Really? You're alright with this?" Tony asked as he grabbed Ziva's hand.

"Like I said, it wouldn't be fair if Carter and Tim are allowed to be together and the two of you aren't... Just don't make me regret this."

"Of course not, Gibbs. You will not regret it at all. I promise." Ziva smiled.

"Now get to work and stop looking at me like that." Gibbs pointed behind them to the crime scene.


Buzz! Buzz!

"Tim! Your phone is going off!" Carter called as she finished braiding her hair. The screen lit up again, and she saw Tony's name pop up on the screen.

Tony: McGee!
Tony: Tim!!! Answer your phone!
Tony: HELLO??? I have good news!

"Tim, something tells me Tony wants to talk to you..." Carter laughed as she read the progression of texts.

"Why, what's up?" Tim asked, walking out of the bathroom, tying up the strings of his swim trunks.

"Just look." Carter picked up his phone and handed it to him.

"You don't think..." Tim smiled as he started to dial Tony's number.

"Did they talk to Gibbs?"

"Hey! Tony! What's up?... Really?... That is great news!... Yeah, that sounds great... Seven works for us... See you later." Tim hung up the phone, "They did. And Gibbs said that it wouldn't be fair of him to let us be together if he didn't do the same for them... So, your big brother and Ziva are now a couple!"

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