Chapter 5 - Walk Out

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"Da... Dad?" Carter asked slowly.

"Yes, Carter. I'm Anthony DiNozzo Senior. Your father... I apologize for not coming to meet you sooner. I just was afraid... You know what? Never mind." Senior shook his head.

"You were afraid of what, dad?" Tony asked, walking over to him.

"I was afraid she would remind me of her mother."

"You remember my mother?" Carter shot up, and began to cough.

"Of course."

"Do you know where she is?" Carter asked, laying back on the bed.

"I do... She died several years ago, Carter."

"Oh..." Carter said, a look of sadness covering her face, "But at least I get to know you!" She smiled again.

"Carter?" The doctor asked standing in the door way.


"We need to take you to get an MRI."

"Of course. Tim help me into the wheelchair?" Carter asked looking over to him. He nodded and carefully lifted Carter off of her bed.

When he placed her in the wheel chair he put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. She reached her hand up and placed it on top of his as the doctor began to wheel her away. Once Carter was out of the room, a silence fell as Tony and Senior smiled at each other. "What?" Tim asked defensively.

"When are you going to ask her to marry you?" Tony chuckled.

"What?... I don't know... Why do you ask?" Tim said in a flustered manner.

"Oh come on. It is obvious to everyone, Tim... Even the doctor thought you were already married. You two have a special bond and it shows." Senior smiled.

"They're not wrong, McGee." Gibbs said, standing in the doorway.

"Gibbs! Uh... No. Not soon... We've only dated for six months. I'm not ready yet." Tim gulped.

"Which insinuates that you will be ready eventually." Tony smirked.

"She moved in with you, McGee! How much more time do you need?" Gibbs said.

"I said I'm not ready." Tim looked at the ground.

"Carter is." Ziva said. Gibbs, Tony, Senior, and Tim all gave her the same strange look. "What?! Girls talk... Especially about matters as important as these."

"What exactly have you talked about?"

"Oh just the normal... Engagement rings, wedding dresses, things like that."

"That's normal?!" Tim asked flustered.

"Yes." Gibbs and Senior answer in unison.

"Maybe I've been thinking about a wedding too, alright? Just don't make a big deal out of it... Besides... I don't even know where to start!"

"Well, McGenius. A ring might be a good place to start." Tony said sarcastically.

"I've never been in a jewelry store in my entire life!"

"I could go with you if you would like, McGee." Ziva smiled, "I've seen all the rings she likes."

"I don't know guys... It might be to soon... We've only been dating six months! Don't you think we should wait a little while longer?"

"A little while longer before what?" Carter asked, sitting in a wheelchair outside the door.

"Well... This just got awkward..." Tony said.

"What? What happened?" Carter demanded.

"Would you look at the time! I've got to go... Anywhere but here." Tony bolted out of the door.

"Wait for me, son!" Senior called and went after Tony.

"Yeah... Ziva and I should get going to." Gibbs said and walked out of the room with Ziva.

"Tim?" Carter asked confused.

Tim gave a deep sigh, "Well..."

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