Chapter 2 - Senior

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"How is she?" Ducky asked as Gibbs entered autopsy.

"She's struggling, Duck... She woke up for a little bit, but now she is asleep again and won't wake up." Gibbs explained walking over to the table.

"Is... Is she going to make it?" Palmer gulped.

"I don't know, Palmer... I hope so... Especially for McGee and DiNozzo's sake. Who knows what they would do if they lost her." Gibbs turned to avoid them seeing the tears welling in his eyes, "What have you got for me, Duck?"

"I'm afraid not much." Ducky said with a sad look on his face.


"Hey, McGoo... How is she doing?" Tony asked, leaning against the door frame. Tim was sitting next to Carter's bed with his elbows on his knees.

"The same as before, Tony." Tim looked up at him with his tear stained face.

"Hey, Mc... Tim." Tony walked over and put his hand on Tim's shoulder, "I know how upset you are about this... You really care about my sister... Don't you, Tim?"

"I do, Tony." Tim looked into Tony's eyes, "I love her. She is the best thing to ever happen to me... I... I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Do you mean that, Timothy McGee?" Tony asked in a caring yet concerned tone. Tim nodded his head. "You mean to say that you want to marry my baby sister?"

"When the time comes, yes. If the time comes..." Tim looked over to her heart monitor that was slowly beeping away, "But what if this time she doesn't wake up, Tony? I'll never get the chance to tell her how I feel."

"She will pull through. I'm sure of it... She is a DiNozzo after all." Tony smirked.

"The name didn't help your mother, did it Junior?" DiNozzo Senior said walking through the door, "A little birdy at NCIS told me that I should come see her... I know I haven't met her before, but it's never too late, right?"

"Dad..." Tony was shocked, "Who told you to come?"

"Agent Gibbs... He gave me a call last night. I flew in this morning..." Senior looked over to Carter, "I should have met her as soon as you told me about her, Junior... I just couldn't believe that I have had a daughter all these years and never knew it..."

"It's alright, dad... She has been wanting to meet you." Tony choked back his tears.

"You." Senior said looking at Tim, "McGee, is it?"

"Uh... Yes, sir." Tim stammered.

"You are dating my daughter?"

"Yes, sir."

"You be good to her... Or else."

"Oh, don't worry, dad... He will be... He told me how he feels about her." Tony smirked.

"Well, how do you feel about Carter?" 

"I... Uhh..." Tim looked to Tony with a bead of sweat growing on his forehead. Tony nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "I want to spend the rest of my life with her, Mr. DiNozzo."

"Is that right, Timothy?" Senior smirked as he looked over to Tony.

Resurrection: An NCIS Fanfiction [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now