Chapter 3 - Time

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"Come on, Carter. Please. Wake up." Tim pleaded as he sat next to her bed, holding her hand in his, "I miss your voice."

Tim had sat in the waiting room everyday for the past week, but Carter's condition hadn't changed. Occasionally one of the team members or DiNozzo Senior would stop by, but for the most part it was just Tim and Carter. The room was silent except for the melancholy beeps from the heart monitor. That was the only thing giving Tim hope that Carter would wake up.

"I'm so sorry I had to meet you like this, Carter." DiNozzo Senior said as he entered the room, "I never meant for my absence all these years... Hello, Timothy. I'm sorry to barge in."

"It's fine, Mr. DiNozzo." Tim said, still caressing Carter's hand.

"Call me Senior." He said, pulling a chair up next to Tim, "Now tell me, Tim... Do you really feel so strongly about Carter?"

"I do." Tim said without hesitation.

"Then why did you let my son convince you to leave her for a while?"

"I knew that if it was meant to be we would end up together again some day... And we did... But not for long before this happened. It should have been me. The day we got taken, I should have grabbed my gun sooner. I could have killed those bastards, but instead I let them take us, and look where that got Carter." Tears were running down Tim's face as he squeezed Carter's hand, to his surprise he got a gentle squeeze back which caused him to jump a little.

"Is everything alright, Tim?" Senior looked worried.

"She... She squeezed my hand. Even though she's not awake she squeezed my hand!" Tim said and he felt it again, "Oh my goodness. She did it again! Carter, squeeze my hand twice if you can hear me." She squeezed his hand two more times. Senior looked down in amazement.

"Can we get a nurse in here?" Senior said as he leaned his head out the door. A nurse came running in.

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked.

"She squeezed my hand! She can hear us." Tim said excitedly.

"That's a good sign. If we get a doctor I'm here we may be able to start easing her off of the meds so maybe she will wake up."



Buzz! Buzz!

Tony's phone vibrated on his desk. He unlocked it to see a text from his father.

Dad: Come quick. Carter is waking up.

Tony: On our way dad! See you soon.

"Gibbs! My dad just texted me. Carter is waking up!" Tony said, fumbling around to grab his things from his desk.

"Go ahead. We will be there soon." Gibbs said looking up from his paper work.

"You... You don't want to come?" Tony asked.

"I do. But you four need some time together. You and McGee take the rest of the week off. Spend some time with your dad, sister, and McGee. You guys need to talk about some things."

"Thank you, boss... I will call you as soon as she wakes up!" Tony ran onto the elevator just as the doors slid shut.

"What do they need to talk about, Gibbs?" Ziva asked.

"McGee and Peterson... They're going to get married eventually, I just know it." Gibbs smirked.

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