Chapter 10 - Drunk

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"Oh my god! That was awful!" Carter sighed after dropping the guys off at Gibbs' place.

"Why? You found your dress!" Scarlet said happily.

"Tony and Jimmy!"

"Aw, come on Carter. Loosen up! They just thought you looked great in that dress." Ziva said, trying to calm Carter's nerves.

"My own brother had to leave the room! He was probably hiding the fact that... He was really happy." Carter shivered as the thought crossed her mind, "And Jimmy! He said he talks to Tim all the time about our honeymoon! That's kind of weird..."

"Ok. Fine. That is weird... But they didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Carter. They just didn't know what else to say." Abby squeezed Carter's arm in her hand.

"Yeah, they didn't mean any harm... Now let's go get some dresses!" Scarlet said anxiously.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ziva said as she drove off.


"All I'm saying is that I never expected a dress to make Carter even more stunning." Jimmy said, flustered.

"You're digging yourself deeper into that hole, Grem." Tony chuckled.

"Where the hell is Timothy?" Senior asked looking down at his watch. Tim was supposed to met up with Gibbs, Tony, Senior, Ducky, and Jimmy as soon as the girls had dropped them off. Finally after a twenty minute wait they heard the front door creak open.

"We're down here, McGee." Gibbs called.

"Hey guys. I'm sorry that I'm so late... They wouldn't leave! They were sitting in the driveway forever... I didn't want Carter to know I came to talk to you guys." Tim rambled.

"You're fine, McRomeo. Grab a beer." Tony said standing up, offering Tim his chair.

After they had a few drinks Ducky and Senior decided that they better head out, as it was quickly getting late. There was a long silence as the four that were left sat in the basement drinking beer after beer. A while later Tim finally mustered up the courage to break the silence and ask about the dress, "So...?"

"It's beautiful." Gibbs said.


"We never planned on telling you what it looks like, McGee! That'll ruin the fun on the big day. We just wanted to make you squirm." Tony chuckled.

"Oh come on! At least give me some hints."

Gibbs smirked as he took another swig of his beer. Looking over to Tony and Jimmy, he chuckled, "How about you two tell him what you thought."

"Oh god." Tony started to laugh. They gave each other knowing nods, leaving Tim to wonder what was going on.

"What?! What did you think?" Tim asked, obviously starting to feel the effect of the alcohol.

"Well, Tony here had to leave the room to hide the fact that his little sister was making him hard." Jimmy said, drunkenly pointing in Tony's direction with a bottle.

"So it's sexy, huh?" A smirk grew across Tim's face.

"Oh yeah." Tony smiled.

"Just wait until you see it, McGee." Jimmy's speech had begun to slur.

"But let me tell ya, Elf Lord... The best part of the wedding day will be when you finally get to be by yourselves... You get to take the dress off of her... Man, that never gets old, Timmy Boy." Gibbs said and sipped his beer.

A/N: Please COMMENT and vote! I really don't like updating unless I get at least one comment... So if you want more, please keep your feedback coming!

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