Chapter 30 - Leftovers

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"Hey, Abby!" Lexi said, walking into Abby's house the next morning.

"Hey, Lex! We're in here." Abby called from the living room.

"Awe a puppy?!" Lexi walked into the living room and immediately crouched down next to Carter and Maisie.

"Yeah... Tim surprised me with her." Carter's smile turned into a frown.

"It's alright, Carter. He's gonna be alright." Abby patted her shoulder, "Well, I have to get to work... Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Abby." Carter waved as Abby walked out the front door.

"So..." Lexi looked over at Carter after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"So..." Carter replied, keeping her gaze on Maisie.

"Carter. Come on... You have to talk to me." Lexi moved in front of her.

"I accused you of cheating on your boyfriend. With Abby."

"Looking back at it, I can see how you would think that... Was I annoyed, well yeah... But I'm not mad at you." Lexi said, "I'm bi. I'm used to it. People assume that anyone I am friends with I have the hots for."

"But you did?" Carter looked up at her.

"In this case, yes. I did like Abby. But when I realized she didn't like me back I settled with being friends." Lexi sighed, "I promise you, I love Jimmy and I will never do anything to hurt him, alright?"

"Alright." Carter laughed. She stood up and walked to the kitchen, Maisie waddled behind her. "I'm hungry. Want breakfast?"

"Uh yeah... Sure... I'll make some eggs and bacon, you just worry about the toast." Lexi walked over to the sink and rolled up her sleeves. Carter looked over and noticed a row of pink scars across Lexi's wrist, they looked fairly new. As she was studying the scars, Lexi pulled her hands out from under the faucet, and quickly pulled her sleeves back over the scars.

"So..." Carter said, trying to act like she didn't see anything, "How long have you and Jimmy been seeing each other?"

"Almost three months now." Lexi smiled as she dried her hands with paper towel.

"Wow. That's great. I'm surprised we didn't hear about you sooner." Carter said.

"Well, Jimmy wanted to wait to tell you all since you were busy with the wedding and what not." Lexi shrugged as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a few eggs, "How about you and Tim? How long have you been together?"

"Well we dated for six months before we got engaged, we had known each other for eight months at that point... And we were engaged for another eight months before getting married. We've now been married for two months... Actually, today is exactly two months." Carter looked down as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'm sorry... I didn't even think about that." Lexi placed her hand on Carter's shoulder, "Once we finish up with breakfast, do you want to head up to the hospital to see him?" Carter nodded. She grabbed a paper towel and blew her nose into it.

"Thank you." Carter sniffled.

"Anyways, let's get your mind off of that... How's working with Abby going? How are classes?" Lexi cracked the eggs into a bowl.

"It's going really well. I love it." Carter smiled, "It makes me really happy... I wish I would have gotten into it sooner, actually."

"That's good." Lexi looked over her shoulder.

"What is it that you do, Lexi?" Carter asked.

"Well... I was told to be careful who I tell."

"By who?" Carter looked at her confused.

"Jimmy... But, I guess I can tell you... Just don't tell Gibbs." Lexi turned around.

"Uh... Ok?" Carter set down the bag of bread.

"I work for the FBI... Fornell is my boss. I'm on his team." Lexi laughed nervously.

"Ahh... That's why he doesn't want Gibbs knowing."

"Yep... Fornell doesn't even know that I am dating Jimmy. He'd be so pissed." Lexi turned back to the counter.

"I don't see why though... It's not like they can tell you who to date outside of work." Carter walked over to the toaster.

"Yeah... But they really really hate each other... You do know why, right?"

"Because they are in different agencies?" Carter looked over.

"Well... Yes, but they also share an ex-wife." Lexi laughed, "Fornell took Gibbs' leftovers."

"Oh my god. You're joking right?" Carter asked.

"Not one bit." Lexi smirked.

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