Chapter 38 - Snatch

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"Grab your gear." Gibbs said, turning the corner into the bullpen the next morning.

"Wait... We have to go? I am supposed to pick up Tim in an hour." Carter said, flustered.

"I'll send Abby to get him." Gibbs said, grabbing his gun and his bag from his desk.

"Oh... Alright." Carter started to grab her things.

"We need you at this crime scene, Carter. We need your forensics knowledge." Gibbs said, walking towards the elevator. Tony and Ziva quickly grabbed their things and followed after Gibbs.

"What is so special about this crime scene?" Carter looked around as she huffed under her breath. She got everything together and ran to the elevator. Stepping in right before the doors slid closed.


"What in the world..." Tony said, looking around the pristine room. They were surrounded by four white walls, a white ceiling and floor. There was nothing in the room, other than a body propped up in the corner, not even a blood stain.

"Alright, Carter... Work your forensics magic." Gibbs said, handing her a black light. She reluctantly grabbed it, and put on a pair of gloves. She switched on the black light and started to shine it around the room. "See anything?"

"Not yet..." Carter said. She turned around, and the wall lit up. The words, 'You'll never find me', were written on the back wall of the room. "Huh... Alright..."

"That's fun." Tony said, snapping a picture of the wall.

"Alright. Scrape some paint off of that wall, DiNozzo. McGee two, look around and see if you find anything else." Gibbs walked out of the room.

"McGee two?" Carter looked at Tony and laughed.

"Well... It is only fair that you would be the second, since we called Tim that before you ever started here." Ziva said as she took pictures of the body.

"I know that." Carter laughed, "It's just that he has always called me by my first name."

"That is true... Hmm... I wonder what changed." Ziva said.

"Tim isn't here... That is what changed." Carter sighed. She started looking around the room without the black light. Tony and Ziva looked at each other.

"I don't think that's it..." Tony said.

""It is literally the only thing that has changed." Carter said, as she kneeled down to the floor, "Got something."

"What do your mean? I don't see anything." Tony looked down at the floor confused. Carter carefully pinched her fingers together, and lifted a long piece of blonde hair off of the carpet. "How in the hell did you see that?"

"I have gotten better at seeing the little things since I started working with Abby." Carter said, holding the strand of hair up to the light.

"You need a microscope to get anything from that..." Gibbs said, walking back in the room and slapping her on the back of the head.

"I know that... But this doesn't look like human hair..." Carter said, "It is too thick. It almost looks like hair from a... Horse tail?"

"Why do you know what the hair from the tail of a horse looks like?" Ziva asked confused.

"I used to play cello when I was younger. Bows are made from it." Carter said, placing the strand of hair into an evidence bag.

"Good work, McGee two." Gibbs said, pulling on a pair of gloves. He walked over next to Tony and started scrapping at the wall. After a few seconds, he stopped and knocked on the wall. "Huh... Hollow."

"Aren't most walls?" Tony asked. Gibbs placed his ear against the wall and slowly crossed the room, knocking.

"Not all the way across... There are no support beams in this wall."

"Which means that it wasn't always there." Carter stood up and walked over to the wall.

"Exactly what I was thinking... Alright, Tony. Get as much off of this wall as you can. I'm going to find something to break this wall down with." Gibbs left the room again.

"I am beginning to understand why Gibbs said he needed my forensics knowledge on this case." Carter smirked, watching as Tony scraped the wall.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch? Or are you going to help?" Tony looked up, and held out an evidence bag. Carter laughed and snatched the bag out of his hand.

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