Chapter 12 - Punishment

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"You look beautiful!" Carter said, crouching down in her dress to Tim's little cousin Adelaide. The wedding day had finally arrived and was going full force.

"Thank you!" Adelaide squealed hugging her arms around Carter's neck.

"Carter! You look... Incredible!" Senior said as he opened the door.

"Thanks, Dad." Carter smiled.

"Are you ready?!" Abby ran excitedly into the room.

"I think so!" Carter took a deep breath and wrapped her arm around Senior's. They made their way to the double doors leading to the sanctuary and met up with the guys.

Adelaide's older brother, Adrian, was not too thrilled about holding her hand while they walked down the isle. But after much coercing from Abby he finally agreed. Then it happened. The doors opened and music began to play. Carter's heart had never beaten faster. First it was Adelaide and Adrian down the isle, followed by Abby and Palmer, then Ziva and Tony, and the maid of honor, Scarlet, and best man, Gibbs. Finally it was time for Carter to be escorted down the isle by Senior.

When Carter reached the door she looked down to see Tim's face. He threw his hand over his mouth and bent over to rest his arms on his knees. A single tear began to roll down his cheek.

"Carter. You look stunning." Tim whispered when she finally reached him.

"You as well." Carter replied. The rest of the ceremony their gazes never left each other.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Timothy, you may kiss your bride." The pastor said. Tim put his hands on Carter's face and pulled her to him, giving her a long passionate kiss.

"Ewwww!" Adelaide and Adrian yelled.

"I love you, Carter Lynn McGee." Tim said, still holding her face in his hands.

"I love you, too, Timothy Farragut McGee." She laughed with tears of joy dripping down her cheek.

"I am pleased to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McGee!" The pastor said as Tim grabbed Carter's hand.


"I love you so much." Tim said, carrying Carter into their hotel room. His tie was hanging around his neck untied and her hair was beginning to fall.

"I love you, too." Carter said as he fell back onto the bed.

"Soo..." Tim looked between Carter and the bed questioningly.

"Timothy McGee! Is that all that has been on your mind this whole time?" Carter jokingly pushed him over.

"What...? Me...? No..."

"Timothy, I can tell you are lying to me... And remember what the punishment for lying is...?" She asked seductively.

"Ok yes. A million times yes... Please don't punish me." Tim said with a wink as he reached around Carter's back to unzip her dress.

"Hey! No, no!"

"What!?" Tim looked at her confused.

"I said punishment. Not reward."

"Then what is my punishment...?"

"You'll see..." Carter smirked before unzipping the dress herself. She let the dress slide off of her and stood before Tim for a minute.


"Uh uh!" Carter laughed as she ran and locked herself, naked, in the bathroom. Tim followed and wiggled the door handle.

"Come on, Cart. Please let me in." He then heard the shower turn on, "No way. You're really going to torture me?"

"Fine." Carter opened the door and Tim ran in throwing off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

A/N: Please vote and comment!
I am so sorry for not posting recently! My grandfather was terribly injured and I have been very stressed!

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