Chapter 11 - Idiot

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Buzz! Buzz!

Tim's phone repeatedly vibrated from the top of the boat sitting in Gibbs' basement. After a night of drinking and talking, Tim, Tony, Gibbs, and Palmer had fallen asleep on the hard cement floor.

Buzz! Buzz!

The phone vibrated again, this time falling off of the boat making a loud thud.

"What the hell...?" Tony asked as they all bolted upright confused.

"What fell?" Palmer asked groggily rubbing his eyes before putting his glasses back on.

"I'm not sure. It sounded like it ca..." Gibbs stopped when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Looking at the name that appeared on the small flip phone's screen, he answered the call. "Gibbs."

"Gibbs!" The others could here the mumbled panic coming from the other end of the line, "Tim never came home last night and he won't answer my calls. I'm worried that something has happened to him!"

"Slow down. McGee is perfectly alright. He's right here... Yes... Alright. Hold on." Gibbs said holding the phone out to Tim, "It's for you."

Tim looked down at the phone with a terrified expression. He took a deep breath and grabbed the phone, "Hello?"

"Timothy Farragut McGee!" Tony, Gibbs, and Palmer could clearly hear every word that Carter was yelling, "Why the hell did you not tell me where you would be?"

"I..." Tim started but was cut off by Carter's yelling.

"You can't just not tell me! At least you could have called. I was worried about you, Tim. You can't scare me like that." Carter had finally begun to calm down, "I'm coming to get you."

"What? Why?"

"You were with Gibbs. I'm pretty sure I know you drank. You're not driving home. I'll be there soon."

"Alri..." Tim said as he heard Carter hang up the phone. He slumped down into a chair and looked at the guys, shrugging his shoulders.

"Somebody's in trouble!" Tony teased.

"Oh, shut up!" Tim threw Gibbs' phone at him.

"You should have told her, McGee... She may not have liked that you were coming here, but she wouldn't have been so worried if she just knew." Gibbs said.

"Yeah... But... She told me not to." Tim's face dropped.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have, McGee. Sometimes, you gotta compromise... Take it from me."

"Well... I'm going to go before Carter gets here because I have a feeling it won't be good..." Palmer started up the stairs.

"Ay! No you don't Palmer." Tony said, reaching around and grabbing ahold of Palmer's sleeve, "We're in this together. It wasn't just Tim. It was all of us."

Palmer slowly walked back down the stairs and sat with his back against the wall. They sat in silence for a while until they heard footsteps upstairs. "Timothy!" Carter yelled from upstairs.

"Down here, Cart." Tim said shakily. Quickly, Carter appeared at the top of the stairs. She ran down and wrapped her arms around Tim's neck.

"You idiot! You had me worried to death. I thought something happened to you. Thank goodness you're alright! I love you so much." Carter said pulling him into a kiss.

"Well... That's not what I expected to happen..." Tony said.

A/N: Please vote and comment! It means more than you realize!

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