Chapter 29 - Doorway

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"Carter?" Abby asked. She was standing in the doorway of Tim's ICU room.

"Oh! Abby! Hey." Carter said, waking up. She had been sleeping with her head on the side of Tim's bed for hours.

"How are you doing?" Abby walked in, grabbing the chair at the foot of the bed. She pulled it up next to Carter's wheelchair and sat down.

"I'm doing." Carter let out a small chuckle as she rested her forehead in the palm of her hand. She looked over at Tim's face, his mouth wide open holding the intubation tube. "Tim on the other hand... Can we talk outside?"

"Yeah. Of course." Abby stood up. She grabbed the handles on the back of Carter's wheelchair and pushed her out into the hallway. "What's up with Tim? Is he alright?"

"Well... He may never speak again... That man. He cut part of his vocal cords." Carter shook her head.

"Are you serious?! If he can't speak what will he do?" Abby asked.

"I don't know... We will probably have to learn sign language or something."

"Is there any chance that he doesn't lose his ability to speak?"

"Well yeah... But we won't know until they take the intubation tube out."

"Oh that sucks." Abby hugged Carter's shoulders.

"It does... But at the same time I am just happy that my husband is still alive." Carter shrugged.

"Well... I guess that is fair... So how much longer do you have to be here? Maisie misses you something awful." Abby laughed, pulling up videos of Maisie digging and crying in Abby's backyard.

"Awe. Poor girl... I'm glad she has you to keep her company though." Carter laughed, "Technically I am good to go, I just have to wait for the doctors to sign off on my discharge papers... But I'm in no rush. As soon as I get discharged, I will be far from Timmy. Plus, I'll be alone. I don't want to be alone."

"I understand... Hey, how about if you come stay at my place. I know you won't have enough energy to take care of Maisie by yourself so I can help out with her... And I can help you study! I will see what I can do about getting a few days off, and figure out who can help you on the days that I have to work." Abby rambled.

"Really? You would do that for me?" Carter looked up at her.

"Of course, Carter. You're my friend." Abby smiled as she pulled out her phone, "Let me make some calls and I will be right back."

"Sounds good." Carter wheeled herself into Tim's room. "We are going to make it through this, Timothy Farragut." Carter kissed his hand and stared at him until Abby came back into the room.

"Alrighty! I got it all set up. As soon as the doctors sign your papers, I will take you back to my place. During the day when I am at work, Lexi will come stay with you." Abby smiled.

"Lexi?" Carter sighed.

"Is that not ok?" Abby asked.

"I just feel bad about the whole accusing her of cheating thing... With you it's different. You know me, you know I meant for the best... But Lexi. She barely knows me and I wouldn't blame her if she hated me." Carter looked up at Abby.

"Because of what you did, her and Jimmy admitted that they were in love... I think she can forgive you." Abby chuckled.

"Yeah... I guess so..."

"Carter?" Dr. Ellington called from the doorway, "We've signed your discharge papers. You are free to go."

"Thanks." Carter said. She looked over at Tim, who looked so peaceful.

"He's still doing well, considering the circumstances." Dr. Ellington said, "He is extremely strong. It's very rare to see someone survive something like this."

"He is strong." Abby smiled, "He's always been strong."

"Yeah he has." Carter squeezed his hand before Abby wheeled her back to her room. Her and Abby packed up all of her things and put them in the bag that the hospital gave her.

"Is that everything?" Abby asked, looking around the room.

"I think so." Carter said, standing up out of the wheelchair.

"Hey. Sit back down." Abby demanded.

"I'm going home anyways. I might as well walk out to your car." Carter smirked.

"Fine... You better not fall over." Abby laughed. The two of them grabbed their things and walked out to the parking lot, where Gibbs was waiting for them.

"Hey, kid. How are you feeling?" Gibbs asked.

"I'm feeling alright." Carter smiled as Gibbs wrapped her in a hug.

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