Chapter 32 - Communicate

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"Hey, Carter. Tim." Gibbs nodded as he walked into Tim's hospital room. It's been one week and one day since his surgery, and he was moved to a different wing of the hospital.

"Hey, Gibbs." Carter smiled as she turned around.

"What are you so happy about?" Gibbs asked, sitting in the chair at the foot of the hospital bed.

"He's starting to wake up." Carter squeezed Tim's hand. Gibbs watched as Tim's hand weakly squeezed back. "They took him off of the propofol earlier this morning."

"Good. I'm glad." Gibbs leaned forward and put his hand on Tim's leg.

"Where is everyone else?" Carter looked at the doorway.

"Waiting room. We figured I would come back and see what's going on before everyone came back." Gibbs stood up, "I'll go get them all if you like."

"Yeah. I think he would like that." Carter looked over at Tim and smiled, "All your friends are here, just for you, Timmy."

"I'll be back in a few minutes." Gibbs said, walking out of the door.

"Come on, Timmy. Wake up!" Carter kissed his hand.

"Knock knock." Ducky said, standing in the doorway. Carter smiled and waved them in.

"How's he doing?" Tony walked up behind Carter.

"He's doing good. He's waking up. Watch this!" Carter squeezed Tim's hand again. Everyone smiled as they watched him lightly squeeze back. "He should open his eyes any minute."

"That's wonderful, my dear." Ducky smiled.

"How excited are you?" Lexi asked.

"More nervous than anything actually..." Carter looked at the floor.

"Because of the whole talking thing?" Jimmy asked.

"Jimmy!" Abby whispered as she elbowed him.

"Ow! What?!" Jimmy raised his arms, confused.

"It's alright, Abby... Yeah, that is why I am nervous. I miss his voice." Carter frowned.

"We all do, Carter." Ziva said.

"Let's not worry about that until we get to it. Are you going to be able to take him home soon?" Gibbs asked, trying to change the subject.

"It really just depends on how he is doing once he wakes up... It could be anywhere from tomorrow to a month from tomorrow." Carter sighed, "Maisie misses him. She always looks for him when I come home."

"I bet." Tony laughed. Tim's arm flinched. "Tim? Can you hear me? Move your arm twice if you can hear me." Tim lifted his arm two times.

"Oh my goodness! He can hear us." Carter said. Almost immediately after saying this, Tim's eyes opened, and he started flailing around.

"Can we get a doctor in here?" Ducky called down the hallway.

"Is he awake?" Dr. Ellington asked walking into the room, "I take that as a yes." He made his way to the side of the bed and puts his hand on Tim's chest. With fear on his face, Tim looked right into Dr. Ellington's eyes. "It's alright, Timothy. Calm down... Carter, could you talk to him for me? And stand up so he can see that you're here?"

"Of course... Hey, babe." Carter stood up and leaned over in front of Tim's face. As he made eye contact with her, he began to calm down. Carter grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"Alright, Timothy. I need to take the intubation tube out of your throat... I'm not going to sugar coat it, though. It's going to hurt, but Carter is right here, ok?" Dr. Ellington looked at him. Tim nodded and then looked back at Carter. Dr. Ellington grabbed onto the tube, and slowly pulled it out of Tim's throat. He winced as it came out. "And we're done." Tim started coughing as the last of the tube came out.

"Now, Tim... Don't be surprised, but your might not be able to speak right away." Carter said.

"And... Depending on how you heal, you may never be able to speak again." Dr. Ellington said, calmly.

"What?!" Tim mouthed as a huff of raspy breath came out.

"It's ok, McTim! I came up with a plan until you can talk again." Abby said, handing him an iPad, "I loaded a software on here that is pretty similar to what Steven Hawking uses... So at least for the meantime you can communicate with us."

Tim looked down at the iPad and started typing away, "Do you think I will ever talk again, doctor?" the robotic voice rang from the iPad.

"I hope so. But everyone heals differently." Dr. Ellington said. Tim furiously typed away.

"Carter, I love you." Tim looked over to her, as the iPad spoke his words.

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