Chapter 16 - My Place To Say

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"Ziva... Why did you never say anything?" Tony asked as he held Ziva's face to make her look at him.

"You have always been busy with girlfriends and flicks." Ziva said, trying to turn away.

"Flings, Ziva." Tim pointed out.

"Not now, McGee." Ziva didn't move except to put up one finger.

"You two." Gibbs pointed to Tim and Carter, "Let's give them some privacy." The three of them leave as Ziva and Tony stand inches apart.

Tony looked her in the eyes and asked, "How long have you felt this way?"

"Since we went undercover..." Ziva looked at the ground.

"That was seven years ago, Zi!"

"I know."

"You've been holding it in all this time?"

Ziva nodded before looking up at him again with tears in her eyes, "I am sorry... I should not have said anything." She looked at him again before starting to walk away. Tony grabs her by the arm and spins her around before kissing her.

"I am so glad you did. I love you, too, Ziva... I just thought you didn't feel the same way."

"I have always felt the same way."


"Tim, have you heard from Tony or Ziva?" Carter asked about an hour later.

"No. Have you?" Tim responded.


"I'm going to text Tony." Tim pulled out his phone and texted him.

Tim: What happened?

Tony: I told her I love her man. What do I do?

Tim: That's literally it. Now you just talk about it.

Tony: Ok. Wish me luck.

"Carter! You have to see this!" Tim held out his phone.

"Are we sure this is my brother and not some weird clone?"

"Oh I am very sure... I had a feeling this would happen eventually." Tim laughed.

"And you didn't happen to say anything to me about it? Come on Tim! He is my brother."

"I didn't feel like it was my place to say anything... But at least now he knows that he is wanted..."

"But what about Gibbs?"

"What about me?" Gibbs asked as he walked into the room. Tim and Carter stopped and looked at each other.

"Definitely not our place to say anything... But you might want to go talk to my brother and Ziva..." Carter looked at Tim.

"I'll be back soon..." Gibbs said before leaving the room.

"Carter!" Tim said defensively.

"I panicked, alright?" Carter put her hands over her face.

"Well... Maybe since he made an exception for us he will make one for them?"

"You practically forced him to make the exception if I remember correctly."

"So? Tony is capable of doing that as well."

"I guess you are right."

"Damn straight."

"Please never say that again." Carter laughed.

"Fine." Tim said as he kissed her, "Can we actually pretend like this is our honeymoon?"

"Of course." Carter said as she kissed him back.

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