Chapter 23 - Love Affair

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"Hey, Abby!" Lexi said, walking in the doorway of the lab, "Ready for lunch?"

"Lexi! Lunch. I totally forgot about lunch... There was a case, I have to wait for the team to get back and bring me evidence." Abby said, looking up from her computer.

"So it's a good thing that I picked it up on the way?" Lexi laughed, holding up a bag of Chinese take out.

"You did?!" Abby turned around, "You, my friend, are awesome." Abby ran over and gave Lexi a hug before grabbing the bag of food and walking towards the desk in the back room of the lab.

"I try to be." Lexi followed her.

"Can I ask you a question?" Abby sat down at the table.

"Yeah sure." Lexi pulled up a chair.

"Why do you not want Palmer to know that we are hanging out? He's one of my best friends. One would think he would be excited that I'm becoming friends with his girlfriend."

"Well... I don't know... I just don't want to tell him yet." Lexi became flustered as she took a bite of her egg roll.

"Lexi, really... What is going on?" Abby asked, as Carter walked in the door. Carter stopped before either of them saw her, and hid around the corner, trying to listen.

"I just don't want him to know. I don't know how he would feel about it." Lexi said.

"Oh my god." Carter whispered. She ran down the hallway to the elevator.


"Jimmy!" Carter yelled, running into autopsy.

"Carter! What's wrong?" Jimmy ran up to her, worried.

"I think Lexi is cheating on you." Carter said, leaning against the wall.

"Wait... What? Why on earth would you think that?!" Jimmy asked, starting to get upset.

"She's with Abby. I overheard them talking about not wanting you to know that they are hanging out."

"Are you kidding me?" Jimmy asked, walking towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Carter followed him.

"To put a stop to this." Jimmy stepped onto the elevator and pressed the 'close doors' button, but Carter squeezed in before the doors closed all the way.


"Lexi! Abby!" Jimmy stormed off the elevator and up to the desk they were sitting at.

"Jimmy! What are you doing here?" Lexi asked, standing up.

"Carter told me about your little affair." Jimmy said. Carter's eyes got huge.

"What?! Affair? Jimmy, what the hell are you talking about?" Abby asked, "We're just friends."

"Then why were you keeping it a secret?" Carter looked from Lexi to Abby.

"Well it started out that I wanted to see if there was something between us... But I now know that Abby is straight.... But Jimmy knows that I think she is attractive and I didn't want him to worry." Lexi explained.

"Wait... You're not straight? You had a crush on me?" Abby turned towards Lexi.

"Nope." Lexi shrugged.

"So... There's nothing going on? Other than you two being friends?" Jimmy asked.

"I didn't even know that she wasn't straight... So I think that's a pretty good indicator that nothing is happening." Abby stood up.

"I'm just gonna head out..." Carter said, walking towards the elevator, but Jimmy grabbed her arm.

"Not so fast... You're the one who told me that Lexi was cheating on me. You don't get to get out of this that easily." Jimmy said.

"It sure as hell looked like it. I'm sorry, Jimmy. I didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to help my friend."

"It's fine..." Abby said, "I guess it makes sense seeing as everyone knew she's bi except for me. I can see how it could be easily mistaken."

"I'm sorry, Jimmy. I love you." Lexi said, giving him a hug. His eyes widened as he pulled out of her arms, and grabbed her shoulder.

"Did you just say..." Jimmy looked into her eyes.

"That I love you? Yes." Lexi laughed.

"You've never said that before." he kissed her, "I love you, too."

"Awe! How adorable." Abby jumped.

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