Chapter 7

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A/N: Please don't hate me for the wait! Xx


"Hazza? Where are you?" Louis called out, wandering around the house. He had woken up from their nap to find a note beside him. Harry said if he wanted to talk he had to find him first. If Louis didn't find his fiance wanting to play hide and seek so endearing he would've ignored the note and let Harry be stuck somewhere all day.

Louis checked all the bedrooms and his office and was now walking into the kitchen. He started to make himself some tea when he heard a giggle. Louis rolled his eyes, setting the kettle on the stove before going into the living room. He looked around the room before noticing how far the cushions on the couch were.

He let out a loud sigh so that Harry would know he's in the room. "I wonder where my darling Princess could be. I can't seem to find him anywhere," He exclaimed. He heard the giggle again. Lord help him he loves that boy so much. "Let's take a look behind these curtains," He said, moving them around loudly. "Not there. I'm running out of ideas. I wish he would give me a sign of some sorts."

"You're getting warmer," Harry said quietly.

"What, who said that?" Louis asked. Harry giggled again. "Looking for my Hazza is exhausting, I think I need a break," He hummed. Louis walked over before flopping back onto the couch. He could hear Harry grunt as Louis leaned against him. "When did this couch get so uncomfortable?" Lous wondered, bouncing against the back of it making Harry laugh.

"Louis," Harry called out.

"Hazza?" Louis asked surprised, turning around on his knees and removing the back cushion. Harry laid there smiling at him. "Baby!" He cheered. "I found you."

Louis removed the rest of the cushions and pulled Harry out and onto his lap. "Did you really not know where I was?" Harry wondered, wrapping himself around Louis.

"No idea. You were quite tricky," Louis answered. "How long have you been hiding?"

"Not long. I think I got settled in just as you were coming down the stairs."

"You're too cute you know."

"I know," Harry said, settling more into Louis. "Does this mean we have to talk now?" He asked softly.

"You did say we would once I found you," Louis said. The kettle then began to make noise as it was hot. "Let me make us some tea then we'll talk okay?"

"Well now I'm comfy," Harry whined, hugging Louis closer.

"Piggyback ride then?" Louis offered.

"Yes please."

Louis moved Harry over so he could stand up. He then crouched down so that Harry could hop onto his back. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's thighs to support him and started making his way to the kitchen. "Going to need your help love," Louis said. He leaned around, Harry reaching out and putting their cups together just how they like them. He held them tightly as Louis slowly walked them back into the living room.

They somehow managed to set them on the table without spilling. Louis dropped Harry onto the sofa before fixing the cushions and sitting beside him. They each held their cups and curled up together. "I'm okay," Harry whispered.


"Right now, yeah. I have it marked down in that calendar when you'll be with me. You said you will keep your phone on. I've got the boys with me obviously. I think we can do this. I also have my pretty ring to look at and think about you," He smiled, holding his hand up to look at his ring.

"Yes. I'll be right here waiting for you. I promise you forever with me Harry," Louis assured.

Harry smiled at Louis. "I love you."

"I know you do. I love you too. You ready to start packing some stuff?"

"Don't want to."

"The sooner we get it done the sooner we can go back to cuddling and enjoying what's left of our time together," Louis pointed out.

Harry sighed and forced himself up. "Alright, let's get this done then." Louis smiled and let Harry pull him to his feet. They went up to their bedroom to put together a bag for Harry. It thankfully didn't take them too long to do. Once they finished Harry pushed Louis onto the bed and sat on top of him. "You are not allowed to move until I have to leave," Harry stated.

"What if I have to pee?"

"Hold it."

Louis just laughed, reaching out and tugging on a strand of Harry's hair. "You're ridiculous."

Harry leaned into Louis' touch, Louis getting the message and continuing to play with his hair. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I know Haz. I'm going to miss you too. It'll be okay."

Harry smiled. "You make me so happy."

"I'm glad to hear."

"Really though Lou. You make me feel so loved and supported and we have this home together now and I don't know. I know some people have said we're rushing things, but it's never felt rushed. It's always just felt right for us. You know what I mean?"

"Mhm," Louis hummed. "I know. Doesn't mean there still aren't times you scare the shit out of me though," Louis laughed.


"Harry, you terrify me sometimes," Louis said. "Everything you say I make you feel, you make me feel the same and it's bloody scary sometimes. You deserve the best in every aspect of your life and I just hope that I can give that to you."

"You do."

Louis smiled at him, pulling him into a gentle kiss. "I love you so much Harry Styles."

Harry blushed and kissed Louis again. "I love you too Louis Tomlinson."

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