Chapter 41

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A/N: Someone said they needed smut again, so there is a little bit at the end. Xx


Harry handed Louis his tea before sitting down on the couch beside him. Louis pulled the blanket tighter around himself before taking a sip of tea. "I'm glad I came home. I hate how beaten up you seem over this," Harry sighed.

"I'm okay."

"No you're not," Harry said, narrowing his eyes at Louis. Challenging him to try and deny it again.

Louis sighed, looking away from Harry. "You know," He started. "I'm supposed to be the one to take care of you."

Harry rolled his eyes, leaning against Louis. "You do take care of me. You just need to let me take care of you too."

"I know."

"You feeling any better?"

Louis shrugged. "I don't know."

"Talk to me, Lou. I wish I could read your mind, but I can't." Harry looked up at him, begging him silently with his eyes. "Please talk to me."

"I just can't stop beating myself up about everything. I thought I was doing the right there, I thought I could help him. I just, I didn't though. I made it worse. I didn't go about it the right way which caused us to have issues and fight, I was the one to confuse Niall in the first place, then because of it all, he got backed into a corner and was forced to come out when I don't know if he was ready to. Everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault, but it is. No matter what way I look at it, it all comes back to me. And it hurts," Louis said, closing his eyes when Harry wiped the tears off his face he didn't realize were there.

"Louis, look at me," Harry whispered. Louis opened his eyes, staring back at Harry. "We all played a part in this. This is not on you okay? I need you to understand that. This is clearly eating away at you and you have to stop," He said, one hand coming up to play with Louis' hair at the back of his head. "Stop hurting yourself over this."

Louis nodded slowly, the comfort Harry was providing was wrapping around him like a blanket making him feel safe and secure. Harry's tone was soft and sure and for once Louis could feel some of the weight lift off of him. It made his breath stutter and heart flutter. Harry was his everything. It was moments like this that Louis sees how much control Harry has over him. His mouth was moving before he was even thinking. "I love you. I love you so fucking much it scares me."

Harry smiled, resting their foreheads together. "I love you too, Louis. So much. I didn't know I could love anyone this much."

Louis let his eyes close again, just letting himself breathe in Harry. He just wanted to stay in this bubble for a little while. "Thank you," He whispered.

They stayed like that until Louis was a little more calm, able to pull himself back and breathe again. "You are such an amazing friend to Niall," Harry told him. "You always say how proud you are of me, but I'm really proud of you too."

Louis didn't know he loved being praised until Harry said that. "Yeah?"

"Of course I am," Harry smiled. "You took care of one of my best mates. I was kind of a dick, but you just took it and kept his secret. Who cares if you're possibly the reason he got confused. The point is that you were there for him and you helped him. Things may be a little rough right now, but I know things will sort themselves out."

Louis nodded, knowing Harry was right. "Okay. Thank you, Harry."

"Anytime. I need you to try and promise me something though, okay?" Louis nodded. "Please stop running." Louis looked at him confused. "You have a tendency to run away on me. We're a team okay? Even when we're fighting I still want you with me. I know I can be a right arse sometimes, but don't think for a second that I don't want you next to me. It's me and you, okay?"

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