Chapter 39

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A/N: Brace yourselves!


Things were a bit of a mess, to put it lightly. Harry and Louis were still at odds, having moments where they were happy, then snapping at each other the next. Niall had withdrawn in on himself, not really chatting with anyone. He's still acting awkward around Harry and now was avoiding Louis. Liam and Zayn tried their best to navigate between all of them, but it was hard and tension just kept building.

"I just don't understand why the hell you won't tell me!" Harry yelled.

"Because it's none of your business right now Harry," Louis sighed. He was getting really fed up with this. "Niall asked to keep it between me and him for now and I'm respecting that."

"But I'm your fiance!"

"So? That doesn't mean I have to tell you everything, Harry! This isn't something that is my business to blab to people about. Can you just drop it already. You've been hounding me for the past four days and I'm getting really sick of it," Louis said, storming off.

"Well, I'm sick of this secret between you and him. And don't think I haven't noticed that he's now not even talking to you. It would be nice to know what the hell is going on."

"Then go to him yourself because I'm not telling you!" Louis yelled. "I've been here for almost two weeks now. I'm only with you for one more and we've spent most of it fighting. Should I just go home? Because I've just been stuck in this room because I'm not going to go out without you and I haven't been going to any of the shows because I feel like that's the only time I get a break from you."

"Oh well sorry," Harry said rolling his eyes.

Louis glared at him. "I'm serious Harry. Lose the attitude or I'm fucking packing my bags," He warned. Harry glared back, crossing his arms, almost challenging him. Louis was about to say something else when there was banging on the door. "We're not finished," Louis said, walking and opening the door to see Liam and Zayn there.

The two pushed their way in. "We can hear you in the next room over," Liam said. "You need to quiet down."

"Really though, people are walking by and listening in. You're going to end up written about or something at this rate," Zayn commented. "People are already making up stuff about why Louis isn't coming to the shows when they know he's here with us."

"Well if Louis wasn't being an ass we could move on," Harry grumbled.

Louis threw his hands up. "I'm fucking done," He said. He pushed past the lads, grabbing things from around the room and chucking them into his suitcase, banging things around.

"Lou, come on," Liam said.

"No. He's being ridiculous and I'm sick of fighting with him about this. Clearly me being here is causing issues. I'm going home." Louis could see Harry flinch, his face falling for a brief moment.

"You two just need to calm down and work this out. Please," Zayn sighed. "We hate seeing you guys fight."

"You two are fighting so much no one seems to care about whatever is going on with Niall," Liam added. "It's not fair."

"He won't look at me!" Harry defended. "And he's avoiding Louis. Lord knows what he did to him."

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Louis asked. "What the hell is your problem with all of this?"

"I feel like I'm losing you!" Harry yelled, eyes red rimmed.

"What?" Louis asked, body deflating.

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