Chapter 22

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Louis screamed when he entered their hotel room and Niall came running at him. "Loueh!" He cried, wrapping his arms around, almost knocking them both to the ground.

"How the hell did you get in here Niall?" Harry asked.

"We got here before you and checked us all in so we left your key at the front desk to grab and I took the spare," Niall explained, still not letting go of Louis, now rocking them back and forth.

"You're giving that back," Harry warned.

"Not a chance."

Harry sighed and finished walking into the door and shutting the door. He greeted the other boys who were just sitting on the couch waiting. "Didn't realize everyone was breaking into our room," He laughed.

Zayn shrugged. "Wanted to surprise you. Make sure you're both okay as well," He said, raising an eyebrow at Harry.

Harry nodded. "We're okay," He said quietly.

"Louis, I have missed you so much," Niall complained. "I love you," He said, leaning back and grabbing Louis' face, kissing both cheeks before planting one on his lips quickly.

Louis stared at him wide-eyed when Niall leaned his head back cackling. He glanced over at Harry who was frowning. "Niall, what the fuck," Harry said.

Niall finally released his hold on Louis and shrugged. "Don't ever deprive me of the love of my life again Harold," He warned, pointing a finger at him.

Louis, still stunned, shook his head to focus again. "You know, I joked about it with Harry that you might kiss me. However, I didn't think you actually would," Louis commented, walking further into the room to sit down, promptly reaching out and pulling Harry onto his lap so he didn't go after Niall.

"I wasn't planning to, but it felt right in the moment," Niall said casually. "Your lips are soft by the way."

Harry grumbled, crossing his arms. "My lips," He mumbled.

Louis hugged him close, smiling into Harry's back. "I love you."

Harry smiled, looking over his shoulder at Louis. "I love you too."

"We are glad to have you back Louis," Liam said, pulling the two out of their bubble.

Louis moved Harry so he was leaning more against his shoulder so he could see the other lads. "I'm glad to be back. Missed you guys. Sorry, I wasn't really answering your messages," He said, feeling guilty.

"It's alright mate, we understood. Was just worried about you."

Louis gave him a small smile. "Thank you guys though, for like, caring about me enough to check-in and everything."

"Of course, you're our friend. We knew things would work out anyway. You two are way too in love to not work out."

They continued to chat for a little bit, the boys picking on Niall and telling Louis that he cried when he found out Louis left. Louis wanted to laugh at him, but instead, he hugged him, loving how much he cared and feeling bad for hurting his feelings.

Eventually, Louis wanted a snack and asked Zayn if he wanted to walk to the vending machine with him. Harry asked why he didn't want to walk with him and Louis just said he'd be fine for a few minutes. Harry pouted, but gave Louis a quick kiss and let him go.

Zayn and Louis left the room, wandering the halls looking for one of the vending machines. "So, I take it you wanted to talk to me without Harry around?" Zayn asked once they were far enough from the room.

"Yeah. I was wondering, how was Harry while I was gone? The one thing that kept eating at me is how attached he can get and I went and just left him. I mean, he certainly deserved it in my opinion, but still."

Zayn looked like he was in thought for a moment, almost like he was debating on if he should tell Louis or not, before letting out a breath. "He wasn't great. Uh, he called Liam in a panic when he woke up and found out you were gone. So Liam got me and Niall and we went to him. He was crying and pulling his hair, saying it was all his fault, and blubbering other stuff we couldn't make out."

"The text he sent me seemed so emotionless," Louis said.

"It was after he was drained out and needed to clear his head. He got himself so worked up he was gagging," Zayn said, scrunching up his nose. "Took a lot of calm voices and soothing words to calm him down. His breathing was getting rough and I thought for sure he was going to pass out." Louis' heart ached. "Once we managed to get him to breathe normally he told us what happened. We gave him some advice, said if he was that broken up about it then he had to know he made a mistake, but he just shook his head. Said he really needed to think and get his shit together."

"Do you think he really thought about ending it?" Louis asked.

"I don't think so, no. I think he more or less was trying to figure out how he could cope with any of the hate you get. We did our best to support him. One of us was constantly with him because he had moments where he would just break down. Couple of times he wanted to call you but was scared because he knew it would lead to a fight and he wasn't ready for that. Towards the end, he just blanked out some. Then those pictures showed up of you and Eleanor and he snapped. He called our tour manager, demanded we postpone shows because he had to go home."

Louis nodded, taking all of the information in. "That boy is going to be the death of me. I really wish he would've just called."

"I know. You guys work it out?"

"Generally speaking, yeah. I'm still angry a little bit and hurt, but we're getting there. I mean, I love him so we have to be okay. I don't want to not have him in my life."

Zayn smiled. "I'm glad. We're all rooting for you guys and are here if you need us at all."

"Thank you."

Louis got a candy bar from the vending machine as well as one for Harry before they made their way back. Harry smiled at him when he saw the candy bar he was holding out for him. "For me?"

"Of course, love," Louis smiled. Harry took the candy bar and happily ate it. Louis laughed when he still had some chocolate on him after. Not caring that the boys were there he leaned in and kissed him, licking the chocolate away. "Tasty," He winked after he pulled away.

"I love you guys," Niall smiled, leaning forward, elbow on his thigh, resting his head in one of his hands. "Do it again."

Louis and Harry both chucked a pillow at him.

A/N: Little bit of Harry's side while they were apart. And classic Niall! Xx

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