Chapter 17

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Another week had passed and the two had yet to talk to each other. Ed continued to stay with Louis, though he had to leave in a few days to get ready for a tour of his own. Louis was doing okay, he's been staying distracted by working. He decided to add two new classes to run so making all the lesson plans and interacting with the students was keeping him preoccupied.

Ed was wonderful too. He kept him fed and made sure he showered regularly and took breaks. Louis wasn't sure how he was going to survive once he was gone. Ed has also managed to keep Louis off of absolutely everything. Louis was frustrated but knew it would only hurt if he saw things that were being said.

He has sent a couple texts to his sisters and they keep nagging him to reach out to Harry already, but Louis felt this was something he needed to wait for Harry to reach out to him on. He told Harry how he feels. Louis isn't the one with the issue. Harry needs to sort himself out and call Louis.

"Alright, I've made a list," Ed said, walking to Louis' office and sitting on the small couch in there. Harry insisted they have a love seat there in case he wanted to lounge while Louis' worked.

"A list of what?" Louis asked, looking over the top of his computer.

"Of what you need to do. So I know you won't die when I leave. We're going to go over it then you're going to shower and we're going to play a game. You've been sitting in front of the screen too long."

"Okay Mum," Louis groaned but smiled. "Let me just upload this and I'll come sit," He said, turning back to his screen. He clicked a few more buttons before the assignment was posted. He logged out of his account and shut his computer down before walking over and sitting beside Ed.

Ed showed him the paper and he really did have things mapped out for Louis. Louis felt like such a child and it made him laugh, but he was very thankful Ed took the time to do this for him. They talked for about an hour before Ed shooed him to the bathroom for a shower, telling him he would set up FIFA for them.

Once Louis was cleaned up he grabbed the basket, deciding he should probably start taking care of his own laundry. He got the load going before grabbing him and Ed a snack before sitting beside him on the couch. It was a lot of fun. The two kept yelling at each other and laughing while they played. Louis felt really happy for a change.

Several hours passed before they got bored. Ed went to cook them some dinner while Louis checked his emails and responded to students. He was in the middle of answering a question when his phone dinged. He glanced over at the screen, going to just clear the notification for now before he saw Harry's name.

He picked up the device, unlocking the screen, and opening his messages.

I love you

Louis just stared at the message. He waited to see if anything else would come through, but nothing else happened. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. They hadn't said anything to each other in a week. Louis technically hadn't said anything since he left, Harry's two texts the only thing that was exchanged before.

Louis thought for a moment before typing back, wanting to still assure Harry he was there. Hoping that if he did Harry would come around sooner.

I love you too. Always x

Once again he waited. He saw it go from delivered to read. He waited for the text bubbles to pop up. But nothing happened. That was the end of that. Well, at least Harry knew.

He forced himself to put his phone back down and finish his email. Once he was done he went to grab his laundry. He folded everything and put it away before finding Ed in the kitchen putting their plates together. "Harry texted me. Said he loved me," Louis said, thanking Ed for this plate before sitting across from him at the table.

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