Chapter 1

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A/N: Well, here we go! Still will be a slow start as I still have to read through the first book to make notes about certain things and the time passed and such. But I wanted to get something up for you guys. Enjoy!


Louis leaned against the doorway to the kitchen smiling at his fiancé. Harry was listening to music and dancing while making breakfast. His hair still a mess from last night, his neck littered with hickeys, and his shorts hung low on his hips. What made the whole thing so endearing was that the song playing was Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' and was waving his hands around staring at his ring. After the classic ''Cause if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it' Harry would shout, "He did."

Louis just continued to stare fondly at Harry when the other lad finally spun around, screaming when he saw Louis. "Having fun?" Louis teased softly. "And yes, I do like it so I did put a ring on it."

Harry just blushed, still holding a hand over his heart trying to calm the beating. Louis did really scare the crap out of him. "Shut up," Harry mumbled, ducking down to hide his burning cheeks.

Louis used his shoulder to pop himself off the doorway, walking over to Harry. He gently grabbed his hips, pulling him closer. "Hey," He said softly, gaining Harry's attention. "I love you."

Harry just smiled back at him, wrapping his arms around Louis' neck. "I love you too."

Louis chuckled when he felt Harry's hand move and saw his gaze shift. "Is the ring more interesting than me now?"

Harry blushed again, turning back to Louis. "It's just so pretty."

"And you look very pretty with it on. I'm glad you like it." Which was very true. Louis was certainly happy that Harry loved his ring so much.

"I still can't believe it. Like, you really wanna marry me?" Harry asked.

Louis cooed softly at the shine in Harry's eyes, showing that he was feeling emotional. "I do. Very much. So just keep that in mind while you're away. I'm still going to be right here, waiting for you."

Harry pulled Louis in, kissing him desperately. "How did I get so incredibly lucky?"

"You decided to be a creep and send a total stranger backstage passes."

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes. "You're always going to throw that in my face aren't you?"


Harry just rolled his eyes, pulling away from Louis to put their breakfast on plates. "You're the worst sometimes."

"Hey, you said yes."

The two just laughed. They sat down and played footies while they ate. "There's something I need to talk to you about," Harry said, foot sliding away from Louis' as he got nervous.

"What's up?" Louis asked, reaching over and grabbing Harry's hand, refusing to let the lad sink in on himself.

"There are a few things. Liam luckily managed to warn me before I got the call, but our management team isn't too happy with me right now."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"They don't mind me being gay and were lenient with me having a relationship suddenly, but they're not happy I didn't tell them about the engagement before it was out there."

"I don't see why it's any of their business."

"It's part of the job Louis. There is a bit of control I have to give up sometimes. They run the show." Louis just rolled his eyes. "I know you don't understand. I know you think it's stupid, that's just how it is. We are lucky with who we ended up with though because they've been pretty relaxed with us on things. I mean, they could've forced me to stay in the closet, but they didn't. I know some people who haven't been as lucky as I am."

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