24. Wallet

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Jimin moves his fingers away from your lips, tilting his head and examining your flushed face, your lower lip tugged between your teeth as you looked down.

"Go to sleep kitten, I don't wanna end up fucking you whole night." He says and slightly moves your legs away, you quickly move down onto the floor, standing straight and looking away.

"M-master-" you abruptly stop when he reaches out for his phone, switching it on and dialing a number.

Will I sleep beside master tonight?

"Ah! Taehyung-ah! Come and take her to your room, yeah, you know me well buddy, yes...come right away." Was all Jimin said and hung up the call, he stands up, quickly adjusting his bathrobe and going into the bathroom.

You hear the shower turn on, the voice of water dripping down his body surrounds the room as you stood still in confusion.

What the hell!

"Welcome" the electronic voice catches your attention as you turn around to find Taehyung standing at the door, now wearing a normal pair of sweatpants and a loose white t-shirt.

"Let's go baby!" He says gesturing you to follow him, you quickly turn to look at the closed bathroom door, Jimin is still showering, he didn't even let you sleep beside him...he's again sending you away.

Anxiety filled your mind, no matter what Jimin was the only exception who could make you feel safe in his presence, but now that you will have to stay with Taehyung, your uneasiness increases.

"Aish c'mon! He will bath and then sleep, you quickly come with me!" Taehyung walks forward to grab your wrist and take you to the room beside Jimin's one, apparently his room.

The interior is almost same, even the furniture placed is exactly same.

I'll just pretend to think that this is master's room...

Taehyung walks towards his closet, taking out a pair of grey pajama and t-shirt, handing it to you and gesturing towards the bathroom to change.

You scurried into the bathroom, quickly changing your clothes, washing your hands and flustered face and walking out to find him already lying on the bed.

A yawn leaves Taehyung's lips as he pats the space beside him on the bed.
You walk over to the bed, hesitantly lying down and curling up in the corner, Taehyung covers you with the sheets and switches off the light.

You sighed and ignored the slight headache you were having, trying your best to forget about the hot memories with Jimin, you finally manage to drift to sleep.

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