70. Heartbreak

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Trigger Warning:
Mention of Sxlf H@rm

"Min, our little sister." Jin says while jhope has his arms wrapped around you, holding you so close and tight as if you'd disappear in thin air if he let go for even a second.

You were given some hours to rest, some medicines and a snoring muscle bunny beside you until Jin, jhope and Namjoon decided to join in and sit around you.

It didn't take more than few seconds for jhope to launch on you, hugging you tight.

"I know you must be really confused, y/n. . .Min. Ah, just taking that name gives me the chills," Namjoon sighs,

"Not in a bad way. Do you want me to call you y/n? Can I not just call you Min? Though I know both you and us will need sometime to get used to it."

"Why can't you call me y/n?" You voice out.

"I-I can. I just. . .we will call you the way you like, princess, hm?" Namjoon mentions.

"I'd be comfortable with Min once I'm well aware of who she actually is, who I actually am. Let me know every single thing. It seems like you guys cherished this dead girl inside me a lot, if you really do, tell me every single thing. Don't hide anything. I want to know exactly what went wrong. I want to know why I was wronged all these years. I want to know if all the pain I went through was even worth it or not." You announce, watching them sharing looks.

"Jin hyung told me, but not much, not enough." You add.

"See? Jin hyung knew about her beforehand!" Jhope exclaims.

"Yes. I already freaking confessed, didn't I?" Jin says while holding back a groan, to which everyone nods.

"We all aren't blood related siblings, y/n," Namjoon starts,

"Let me tell you from the beginning. Taehyung, Jin hyung and I are blood related siblings, given the same surname Kim. You are our step sister, Min is. Our dad was in the Mafia since long back, he had some really close friends in the mafia along with him. Jungkook's father, Yoongi's father, Jimin's father and hoseok hyung's father were all friends. We all grew up together so our gang and bond is no different than blood related siblings. You know, you were our beautiful little princess, we all used to play together in the garden in front of this Mansion. You know why? You and Yoongi were just so close, you liked him the most and even used to call him your favorite hyung-"

"Where's he right now?" You interrupt to ask,

"He's right outside the door. He is probably even listening to us right now." Namjoon answers.

"Why isn't he here right now if he was my favorite?" You ask again,

"See for yourself once we are done talking, you'd probably remember some memories with him."

"I see. Why should I believe you guys? Why should I not assume that you guys are just manipulating me into believing I'm someone important? That my existence matters? That I'm oh so this and that, what if one day you guys suddenly start asking me to go back to being y/n? Ask me to suddenly call you all daddy, be a toy. . .If you guys think that I look too innocent to be fooled, just know that you wouldn't be able to escape your fate as well. I did nothing wrong yet I lived so bad, think about all the things that will come your way for trying to play with my mind." You lower lip quivers, fingers curled into a tight fist as you glare at Namjoon, feeling a sudden adrenaline rush. Feeling so weird yet sure.

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