71. The Take Over

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They say strength is the ultimate success one could achieve, yet, they forget that strength comes from failures, from obstacles and from one's limits.

How much can you break me until you can't anymore?

Humans have limits, not demons. I was born as a demon, I was born to kill, to take over the Mafia world oh so gracefully, but what? My fate changed?

Bullshit. I was never dead, was never gone. I resided right here, watching and feeling everyone pluck my flesh off the way vultures devour a corpse.

Too bad. If it comes to devouring humans, I do a better job than them.

The first word I said since I was born, according to my mother, was "Power", I was able to wrap everyone around my fingers, was successfully going to take dad's place and become the queen of the underworld.

"It's Oppa! Not hyung, Min!" Namjoon hyung used to correct me all the time.

"You wouldn't be able to even make my corpse say that cringy word. Be my hyung or a stranger, your choice."

Namjoon hyung was always amused with my harshness, forgetting that his father, our father played a huge role in building that harshness.

We'd play along the bank of Han River or in Yoongi hyung's garden, with guns. Not water guns, those are for the weak.

We weren't allowed actual bullets either, so we used sharp little pebbles instead.

"Wait, Min. Wait until you grow up. At least until you're 18. You're too young for this." That's what I've been told all along, all those years.

Isn't it ironic how a young kid leading a Mafia gang or shooting bullets is unacceptable yet kids who are much younger get abused, trafficked and shot with those very bullets is nothing uncommon?

Power needs no age.

I was running along the tracks of hyung's mansion, all wet in rain, yet enjoying the moment, laughing and jogging upto the shelter when my eyes caught a little girl shivering and sobbing in a corner.

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