30.His embrace

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"I told him to be here as soon as possible so he must be in Seoul
already." Yoongi simply nodded as he came closer to you.

"You didn't tell anything about us to that bastard right?"

"No," You simply replied but flinched when J-hope flicked his forehead,

"No need to be a dick anymore. She's Traumatized! Don't you fucking scare her anymore!" You were surprised to see the ray of sunshine in anger for the first time, his gaze moved to you and he softened immediately,

"You are alright? Baby I told Jimin to be here soon okay? Be calm
and have something. hmm?" Jhope smiled at you as he ordered the
maids to bring some food.

"Tsk. She doesn't even look that scared" Yoongi rolled his eyes but
turned blank again after receiving a glare from Jhope.

"Here have something," Jhope gestures you to eat but you flinched when the door to the hall slammed open,

"Where is she!?" This time it was the most anticipated man,

He quickly came towards you and cupped your cheeks,

"You are alright? That asshole didn't do anything to you right?" Jimin
says lifting your chin up.

Your eyes turn watery after looking at him again.


But he looks different...

Different from when he gave you away to Mark.

His eyes were unsettling, looking over your form and searching your face to find any signs of discomfort.

You couldn't hold back the tears now.

"M-master...W-why?" you covered your mouth with your palm to stop
the sob that almost left your lips.

He instantly held your wrist as he pulled you through the long
hallways, again bringing you back to the pink room and closing the door.

He paraded towards you,
tearing open the dress you were wearing.

You couldn't understand his actions,
he didn't had that lustful gaze when he scanned your body, swiftly checking for any wounds as he finally sat beside you.

"What happened there? How you ended up at that club?" His voice
was softer than ever.

You covered up yourself with your arms, looking down and crying.

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