28. Inquiries

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That night was horrible...

Extremely horrible...

You thought he was done torturing that innocent girl, but no.

The dark room was no more filled with the eerie silence.

The bed looked so strange...but you couldn't help and sit on it because your legs were paining now.

"S-stop please! Hurts!! It hurts!" You flinched after hearing the same

"Oh well bitch, I'm doing this to you only for the girl beside to hear! she's in the room beside this...and obviously hearing to what
I'm doing to you." Mark sneers as he bashed the girl onto the wall.

You move away after hearing the loud thud on the wall.

A monster...

Yes the room was scary, as if a ghost would show up any other second but you weren't scared of ghosts anymore.

But scared of these humans...

These beings who were dripping with evilness and sadism...

"Sl-slow! Please slow down-" another loud thud.

You cover your ears with your hands, whimpering after hearing the girl's pleas.

You hear him speak from the room beside,
"Ask that girl to spill the truths...if she does then I'll free you." the girl
turns towards the wall, hitting it with all her might and speaking,
"I-is anyone t-there?"

You stay silent after hearing her voice...

You can't diss Jimin...

Even though you barely knew anything about Jimin...but you were
supposed to keep every little detail safe...

To not 'invite troubles...'

"P-please answer...i-is anyone t-there!!!" The unknown girl screams
again and you hold your ears tight,
even if you agree to answer her,
Then Mark will come to you...

What if he does the same thing with you too?

You wouldn't even have anyone to save you then...

"P-please-ahh! S-slow!!! Stop please!" This time the sounds were extremely loud.

The loud thuds on the wall intensifies and the girl continues to
scream for help...

No... You can't be selfish...


"I-I..."you trail off,
"P-please don't hurt h-her..." you speak in a merely audible tone.

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