68. Kiss of gratitude

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"Will you marry me?" You blink.

And blink again.

And blink again.


Jimin looks in your eyes with utmost sincerity. The sincerity you spoke with him about few hours ago.

Didn't he say that he expects you to not expect too much?

Then what's with the proposal?

Will he marry me even more happily if he finds out that I'm Min? He'd probably be head over heels, right?

"Y/n?" He calls you out again. His face slowly taking over nervousness as he glances at the ring and then back at you,

"Do you want some time to answer?" He asks again, taking you by surprise.

He has the character of waiting for an answer?

You thought he would've demanded you for an answer as well.

"Y/n . . ." he whispers softly, his tone is evident that he didn't expect the hesitation. He's probably even a little bit upset, but he understands his timing isn't the best.


"No! Don't call me master while answering my proposal y/n!" He almost yells, making you break into a chuckle,

"Then what should I call, uh, you?" You question. He was the one who'd get agitated even with the English language basic word like 'you'.

"Uh, shall we decide that later? Do you have an answer yn? Or even a question?" Jimin presses.

"Y-You, well, wanted me to not get my hopes up. I don't know if I'm a good candidate for this . . .responsibility? Relation? Y-You told me I'm supposed to-" you look away, wondering if you can be even happy about this, but another thought strikes your mind,

"Y-You don't love me. Y-you said y-you would marry someone else and live life with her-" you pause when he places the ring box aside, reaching out to hold both of your hands and caressing the back of them with his thumb,

"I know saying this is a straight ticket to get my first ever proposal rejected, but, I don't love you, y/n. I don't love anyone. I cannot. I don't see or feel the emotion of love anymore. Not after loosing her . . .yes I wouldn't be an ideal husband, but I want us to have a family, to have a future. I don't love you, but I keep wanting to have you-"

"You already have me, Master." You mumble out.

"Yes, princess. I do. You're mine. I'll gladly bring everyone who gets between us to dust. But I want to assure you. No. I want to assure myself. I want to have you, officially. Emotionally. Physically. I- fuck! I don't even know why I had this urge to, but I just wanted you to trust me with yourself. I can even sign a contract promising that I wouldn't do everything bad I've done to you. You can even sue me if I hurt you that way-"

You pull your hands away, shaking your head with a chuckle,
"You're cute, Master."

Jimin blinks, and blinks again, his cheeks turning red when he realises how he's been rushing his words and breathing heavily while doing so.

He mentally facepalms at the thought of being so nervous. Especially because he never imagined that he'd ever be nervous in front of you.

"I know you don't love me, master. But don't you want to try falling in love? Not with me, but someone else? Maybe you'd find someone who actually makes you fall in love again? Why not wait? I don't want you to regret something so important with me. I cannot bear the burden being another regret of another person," You didn't expect your heart to clench so bad with pain when saying those words, but your heart has to be a fool.

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