66. Filth

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•NSFW Chapter
•Degradation kink
•Mature content & language
•BDSM Topics









Note : This will be 70% of the smut. If you wanna read the full filthy asf part, head over to Kookielxcks 's book titled as 'Dark Haven' and read the full uncensored version there.





"What are you doing to me, little one?" he squeezes your cheeks, pushing your lips out in a pout as your teeth start to dig into your inner cheeks.

"Damn. Those eyes fxcking belong to you, y/n. They fxcking belong to you. Does this mean I'm free now? I'm free to loose control? Free to ruin you?" his eyes take in your form, a smirk dancing on the corner of his lips.

"What do you mean, master?" You resort, he basically looks like he's just gone mad or something.

Jimin presses his front into yours, lips gliding over your neck as his smirk is changed with a fond smile,

He sounds so good taking my name.

"Y-Yes master-" you stutter when you feel his palm pressing and gliding over your stomach, reaching your breast and groping it gently. His lower lip is stuck between his teeth as you find him visibly loosing his breathe.

Is...Is he that excited to touch me? All of a sudden?

He leans even closer, rubbing his lips on your earlobe,
"Kneel down for me, precious."

You blink, registering the new nickname and gulping as your eyes shake. You notice how you're starting to loose your own breathe as well.

Taking in a deep breathe, you bite your lower lip, slowing gliding down the wall your back was pressed on. Once you're on your knees, you lift your lashes up, glancing at him.

"Fxck. You look so pretty when you look at me like that," Jimin asserts.

"Like what?"

"Like you're the most innocent little being in the world, like you're scared yet so fxcking excited for what's to come, like you're ready to be a goodgirl for me." His fingers weave into your scalp, roughly pulling on it and making you look back into his eyes right after you tried looking down. A sharp hiss almost makes it past your lips when he presses his palm on your lips,

"Shh, precious. Endure it. Take everything that I give you, y/n. Obey me like you're a whxre that I've created," His palm glides away, pulling on your neckline to make sure he gets a proper view of your cleavage when he reaches out to unzip his own pants. Once done, he slides his fingers in, slowly pulling some of his boxer's cloth down while still wearing the pants.

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