29. Hope

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"Untie her legs so that she can walk and let her hands stay tied up."
Jackson says with his hands in his pockets.

Two men step forward as they remove the rope tied above your feet.
A slight stink makes you glance at your now free legs, a slick of darker skin obvious because of the rope which was digging in your skin.

"Stand up" You hear him speak and you obliged, after adjusting your dress with still tied hands you managed to get up and walked over to him.

"Meet you later buddy! Good night!" Jackson waves at Mark as he
gestures you to follow him, walking out of the under construction building. You find a car waiting outside and the next moment you're being shoved in it.

Jackson sits next to you, busy in his own thoughts. He looks somewhat innocent now. Not as evil as he looked along with his best friend.

Is he here to save me?

"Dont get your hopes up baby, I'm just being a little merciful on
you, but that doesn't mean I'm backing off from fucking you until
you pass out." He sneered, fishing his phone out of his pocket as he checks Jimin's location.

"Hmm, I wonder how he's so unbothered about you." he says
caressing his chin with his slender fingers.

The car slows down now,
"Sir, where are you planning to go now?" the driver questions and
he gives you a look.

"Hmm, I'm kinda bored...take me to red fire club, it's been awhile since I had some fun." You sigh looking out of the window as you heard him.

The way and everything seems so unfamiliar...

As if you were never been here.

In some minutes the car stops, a premium club filled with red lights and blasting sound comes into view.

"Yes! Let's go baby!" Jackson held your wrist, slowly removing the rope and looking at you,
"Listen! dare running away and you're dead meat, got it?"

"Y-yes." You speak with a nod and follow him inside.

Instead of being in the main entrance filled with people, he took you into a special room with a VIP signboard.

He plopped on the couch, pulling you along as you end up sitting beside

Jackson eyes you, reaching for the wine glass in front of him as he
lifts it up to gulp some drink gloriously.

His hand goes into his pocket,
"I have a gift for you princess." He sneered as he pulled out a phone
and waved it in front of you.


"Isn't it my phone!?" You gasp as you cover your mouth with your

What if he read the messages between Jimin master and me?

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