57. Daddy

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The soft sound of water dripping down.

Shuffling of sheets.

And a sore body.

That's what you woke up with, eyes taking their sweet time to adjust to the bright room as you blinked. Pressing your palm on the bed, you pushed your body up to sit until a hiss escaped your lips.

"Argh-" you moan with the soreness, eyes trailing down to find yourself naked under white bedsheets of Jimin's room.

Jimin's room?

You blinked, looking around to find the bathroom door unlocking. Jimin stepping out with a white robe hugging his well defined body. Hair all wet and messy, yet he was looking like a hot meal.

Hot spicy one.

"M-Master-?" You murmured. Gripping the sheets tighter around your chest, you look down, confusion visible in your sleepy orbs.

"That's not what you were calling me last night babygirl," a throaty chuckle leaves Jimin's plump luscious lips. He walks ahead, wiping his hair as he sits in front of you.

"Are you able to get up? I'm done bathing, it's your turn now kitten."

My turn...?

Your cheeks went crimson red as the memories of last night hit you like a truck.

You managed a choked gasp, eyes widening as you tried to straighten your posture but ended up groaning in pain and laying back down.

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