58. Warning

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He hands you a plate of salad, glancing down at your posture,

why aren't you walking properly?"

"I-I s-snubbed my toe-"

"Oh, I see." Jin replied, "where?"

"I- erm- i-in-"

"In the red room?"


You were sweating profusely at this point. Blinking your quivering eyes, you managed to take in a deep breathe and narrow your brows,

"Red room? What's that?"

"You don't know yet." Jin replied, taking the salad plate from your hand and turning away,

"Red room is where you sell your body and soul. I won't tell you whose room it is, but it's located on one of the floors of this mansion." he turns back to face you, walking closer while looking into your eyes,

"I specifically asked Yoongi to keep you in pink room. It's my room and no one is allowed to harm someone there except me." he states and you find yourself wondering if that is why Yoongi didn't do much harm to you. Neither did Jimin except some dirty stuffs.

Why did master take me to red room for doing that last night?

He could've stayed in his room...

"Red room...I shouldn't go there?" you meekly voiced out, making Jin nod.

"Jimin becomes a beast there and you will become his slxt, you will remain as nothing more than one of all those beautiful and sensitive bodies which he used for his own desires. So if Jimin ever tries to take you there, avoid it." your emotions were all over the place now.

Is it bad to be his slxt?

Beast? But he didn't hurt me...

"Am I clear enough princess?" he asks and you nod nonchalantly. Jin walks ahead, his hands holding the plates while you mumble something,

"Is it bad to be his slxt?"

The next thing you hear is all the plates crashing down on the floor, broken into hundreds of pieces as Jin strives forward, slamming your back over the kitchen counter as he glares daggers at you,

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