46. PSYCʰᵒᵗIC

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"H-how?!" You gasped looking at the person crouched down in front of you.

His eyes avert towards Jimin,

"Hey buddy! Long time no see! So, seems like your war with Mark hasn't ended just yet huh?" He chuckles as his eyes avert back at yours.

You continued looking at him with wide bewildered eyes,

Same eyes,

Same lips,

Same face...

He chuckles, tilting his head to look at you with an amusing smile on his lips.

"Why is this little one looking at me like that huh?" He leans forward to cup your cheek with his right hand, chills running down your spine at his touch.

He is real!

I can feel his touch!

He exists!

Oh my god!

"Back off, Jackson!" Jimin growled, making Jackson lift an amused brow,

"Hmm~ nice tea I got here," he laughs as he moves away from you.


Oh fck!

His name is Jackson!!!!

Is anyone hearing me!!!!!!!!!!

His name is Jackson!!!!!

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