65. Your eyes

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*surprise at end*

The day would've been peaceful only if Namjoon didn't call you to his office. His room. His personal work space.

"What is it, Namjoon master?" You mutter, plopping down on the chair opposite to his.

"Hm, you never face problem remembering people's names and faces." He responds, making you narrow your brows,

"A little, maybe? I sometimes forget to, sometimes don't." You answered genuinely.

Did he bring you here right after eating food because of the made up 'nightmare' lie which you mentioned to Jimin?

"Interesting. You said you were homeschooled, who was your teacher?" He questions again.

My head hurts.

"I don't remember." You answered again, his questions are making you bothered, irritated and just straight up annoyed.


He nods a little, grabbing a book and a pen, writing something down on it only to slide it in front of you,
"Answer them."

You peek in the paper, frowning at what you see,

5 x 5 =

2 x 8 =

10 x 5 =

6 x 4 =

8 x 1 =

Huh? He thinks I'm a fucking kid or what?!


"Answer them, princess." He presses, making you internally roll your eyes and grab the pen, quickly jotting down the answers.

"Done," you speak, gently pushing the notebook towards him only to watch him inspect it closely.

I didn't eat my food properly for this?

You mentally face palmed, watching him push the book towards you again,
"Write down table of nine upto ten times."


Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

You quickly grab the pen again, writing down the numbers from one to ten, then going back to one and writing the cross symbols of multiplication before those numbers, next, you jot down the number nine before the multiplication symbols and next move on to write the 'is equal to' sign down the row, once done, you hold back a grin as you start off writing the answers.

This is your favourite part for the table of nine.

You first write the numbers zero to nine from top to bottom and then start writing the numbers zero to nine from bottom to top beside the previously written numbers. Once done, you toss the pen on the desk, moving away and smiling sheepishly,

Namjoon quirks an impressed brow,
"Woah, who taught you that?"

Your mind blanks out.

Who taught me...that?


"I...My homeschool teacher, possibly." You answer with a nervous chuckle.

It's alright.

It's alright to not remember.

Fuck, am I really Min?

Am I really a nightmare of my own?

Am I obliged to be her?

Can't I just be what I'm now? Even if this is the most pathetic life one could ever live, can't I just be myself?

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