Chapter 14

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Ian's P.O.V. (This is going back a little to where Ian first smelled her blood)

As soon as the scent crossed mine and I realized it was Hannah's, I ripped back into wolf form and started running. I followed the smell but it ended at the corner road, a car must of came and took her.

Shit shit shit shit!

Dave came running over, still in human form. "What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his voice. I changed back and couldn't stop running a hand though my hair. Reed had Hannah and I didn't know where she was or what could be happening to her? Why didn’t I do better to protect her? I knew she was acting weird before we all left, but I thought she was just worried about Eliza.

"Ian? What's wrong?!" Dave asked again. I paced over to a trash can and threw it across the park, it slammed into a tree. If you haven't guessed yet, werewolf's can't handled being away from there mates, let along not know where they were and if there OK?

"Hannah! REED HAS HER!" I shouted, a few birds flying away. I couldn't blame them, I was mad and when a mad werewolf shouts it can be pretty frightening!

I didn't calm down one bit when we got back home, I don't know how I got there but when I did I just got more angry. People kept trying to calm me. Oliver disappeared with the unconscious Eliza, as soon as we stepped into the threshold. Dave and Nick were planning something about how to get back Hannah, I didn't listen though. I was to scared and angry. I know I sounded selfish to say that and not listen, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about Hannah. If she was OK?

Reed had Hannah, she had gone there to save Eliza, only caring about the safety of her friend not of herself. Stupid girl, stupid but caring. All that caring has got her into some deep shit, and I don't know how to save her.


It was now 8:30 and still we had no idea to how to find Hannah, I was freaking and nearly killing anything that came in more then a few feet. I punched Nick, knocking him out. I felt guilty, I was just so angry and terrified for Hannah.

I was pacing the kitchen alone when suddenly Eliza came running into the room, she's awake. Oliver was at her heel looking overly protective right now, I don't blame him. Before I could speak she cut me off,

"Oh my god Ian. Reed, he has her." She cried, she looked so heartbroken and worried, a true caring friend. Oliver came up to her and I walked over to her, maybe she can tell me where Hannah could be, give me an idea.

"Eliza, do you remember anything. Tell me everything that you remember, please!" I pleaded. Hopefully Eliza can give me some idea as to where Hannah could be, god please let me find her soon.

"I woke up in this room it was dark and cold, I was in a silver cage. He knows about us, he's different. He's a vampire and he has Hannah." I froze at the word vampire. Never in the history of man has there ever been a good vampire, they are always cold and evil. Plus, they will try to hurt us werewolves with whatever chance they have.

"Eliza, what did Reed do?" I asked, clutching her shoulders. Eliza started to cry and shake her head, oh no! Hannah.... "Eliza, please tell me!" I whispered. She looked in my eyes and I could see the fear and guilt in her eyes.

"He brought me to the park, another guy with him. The guy held me while Reed snuck up to Hannah, he flipped her over by hitting her with a bat. He kicked her stomach and when I screamed the guy holding me slapped me. I told her to run that I would be OK, but she wouldn't. The guy then got me up and threw me head first into the pole. I woke up a little later and heard Hannah scream, I looked over things were still blurry, but Reed. He-he...." Eliza burst out crying. I let go of her and paced, what had he done.

"Eliza you have to tell me what he did!" I said angry, Oliver growled at me and I just glared and growled back. I didn't care about him I needed to find out what he did. My poor baby is alone and I'm here just walking around.

Eliza breathed in and looked me straight in the eyes. I froze not knowing if I should hear this.

"He said he wanted you to know he had her so he-he" Eliza cut off, swallowing back tears.

"Eliza please."  I begged stopping in front of her.

"Ian," She looked deep into my eyes. "He bit her."

I froze, yes I froze again. But this was worse, he bit her. This is so not good. I started to shake with anger, Oliver moved in front of Eliza, afraid I would change. I ran outside and shifted, running towards the park. I was around the park area when I heard a voice in my head. It was Hannah's.

"Ian help!" I sounded so painful and scared. I screamed to Dave though mind and started off, a sudden pull pulled me towards to a abandoned neighborhood with broken, 'no trespassing' signs on houses. In less than 10 seconds I was there with Dave and a few others behind him.

I busted into the house and there were other people there, Dave and the others attacked them while I went in search of Hannah. Please please let her be OK, I need her and can't live without her. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could in wolf form and searched every room, all of them had a certain smell.

I check one room when I heard Hannah whimper and a crack, he was hurting her I could tell from the pain in her voice. I raced to the other room and threw the door open, no one was inside, but I was sure I had heard her in here. There was a tipped over lamp by the bed, which was tousled and a yellow tank top at the end. I growled and Dave came up behind me, in wolf form too.

I head Hannah whimper, I looked at the closet and snuck over to it, being as silent as possible. I then busted it open, I froze. Standing there was Hannah, a bruised, tear stained face. She looked terrified and lonely, I couldn't help but feel guilty that I had caused that. If had found her sooner, and if I had actually looked I would've found her sooner. I noticed that she wasn't wearing a shirt and her arms were behind her back, she looked to be in a lot of pain too. Reed just hissed at me and threw Hannah at me, then sprinting out of the room.

I snapped back into human form and caught Hannah, Dave running after Reed. God I hope he finds and kills him, I would like to take the pleasure in killing him myself but I'd rather have him dead asap so Hannah wouldn't ever have to worry again.

"Shh, Hannah it's OK." I whispered into her hair as I sat with her on my lap, she held onto me as if her life depended on it. We stayed there for a while until I picked her up, bridal style, and walked home. The way there I was afraid that when I got home everyone, especially Eliza, would want to talk with Hannah.

"Ian, can we just go upstairs. I don't want to talk with anyone." Hannah whispered, she looked at me with such sad eyes. I smiled and kissed her forehead, I would do anything for my beauty.

"Anything for you my love." I whispered back, Hannah just closed her eyes my rested her head back on my chest. God, it felt good to have her here, safe in my arms. Finally able to protect her, I promise myself that I will never leave her side for more than 5 minutes. I won't ever put her in danger again, even if it was for family. She was to important to me, I can't live without her. She's everything to me. My light, the one thing that no matter what will make me smile, will always warm my heart when she says "I love you.", makes my heart beat faster when I kiss her.

She is my everything till the end of forever and beyond.


When we got home, of course Eliza started to bombard us but I gave Oliver a look and  he held her back as I rushed upstairs, Hannah still in my arms. Eliza didn't follow, thank god, I need Hannah to myself. I need to make sure she's OK.

How could I of been so stupid, to let her get hurt and feel so alone. I didn't want to lose her, I would be dead inside. Never to smile or love anyone again.

I waited right outside the bathroom door as she changed, I'm not sure why but she was really desperate to get out of those clothes. I wonder where she got them? I growled when a not vary pleasant thought came to mind.

The bathroom door clicked and Hannah stepped out. I sighed when I noticed her bruised cheek and bandaged hand, she apparently had a slightly cracked wrist bone. I pushed the thought away and started at her. Although she was all bruise and tired she was still the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I smiled at her, most likely looking like a huge idiot and just stared at her.

She blushed and wrapped her arms around her waist. "What?" She asked looking at me. I just shook my head, still smiling. I walked over and took her hands in mine.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I said staring into her amazing crystal green eyes. She truly was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Sweet, caring, trustworthy, beautiful, and most important. She was herself and that's what makes her so special.

Hannah smiled at me with so much love my heart stopped. I rested my forehead to hers, noses touching and lips just inches apart.

"I love you Ian Markison." Hannah's soft velvet voice whispered. I smiled with all my teeth and put a hand to her cheek, she truly was beautiful and she loved me.

"I love you too Hannah Breck." I replied, just a faint whisper. I leaned down and pressed my lips to her soft, perfect, pink ones. She stood on her tip toes and pulled me closer to her, wrapping her arms around my neck. I walked backwards and fell on the bed, she wrapped her legs around my waist and kept kissing me. When we pulled back we were breathing hard, I smiled at her and lifted a hand to brush her silky hair out of her gorgeous face.

We stared into each others eyes for as longs as I can remember. I wouldn't pass this moment for the world. Just having her in my arms, close to me and safe, knowing she loved me just as much as I loved her. But like every good moment they had to end, and Hannah looked sleepy. She's had a really tough night and it was already 1 in the morning.

We laid next to each other, her falling asleep with me holding her and kissing her hand every few seconds. We laid faces just centimeters away, I watched her sleep for an hour before myself fell into a deep sleep.....

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